If you have seen and enjoyed The Wonder, you might be interested in a sequel. But will we see The Wonder 2? Or will it take a miracle for a sequel to happen? Here’s what we know at the time of writing.

What is The Wonder about?

Set in Ireland in 1862, the film focuses on an English nurse named Lib Wright who has been hired to verify a miracle that is taking place within a cottage on the outskirts of a small village. The miracle revolves around 11-year-old Anna who seemingly hasn’t eaten anything for months. She claims God is sustaining her and her family uphold this belief. But Lib thinks the miracle is a hoax and that the girl has been secretly eating. Is Anna telling porky pies (and possibly eating them too)? Or is a miracle really taking place in this small Irish village? We aren’t going to reveal the answer here but if you would like to know more, you can check out our Ending Explained article.

Will there be a sequel to The Wonder?

There is no news of a sequel at the time of writing and as Emma Donaghue hasn’t written a follow-up novel, we think a sequel is unlikely to happen. As the film doesn’t end on a cliffhanger, there is further reason to believe a sequel won’t be given the green light but if by some miracle The Wonder 2 does ever happen, we will update this page with more information.

What could happen in The Wonder 2?

Towards the end of The Wonder, we learned the truth about the supposed miracle that had taken place. We aren’t going to reveal any spoilers here, but if there is a part 2, it would likely hinge around Nurse Wright and the repercussions of her actions in the first film. We might even see a prequel movie which explores Wright’s life before the events of The Wonder and learn of the reasons why she was dismissive of the miracle that had everybody else in the village entranced.

When could The Wonder 2 be released?

If there is a sequel,  it is likely to happen after Donaghue pens a second story about Lib Wright but as far as we know, this isn’t on her agenda. The release date would also depend on Florence Pugh’s involvement but as she has several other films in pre-production, she might be too busy to consider a sequel to The Wonder at this stage. As such, you shouldn’t expect to see a sequel anytime soon, or indeed ever, as we really don’t think The Wonder 2 will ever happen. Would you like to see The Wonder 2? What do you think will happen in the sequel? What did you think of the first film? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Will there be The Wonder 2  Here s what we know about a sequel  - 86Will there be The Wonder 2  Here s what we know about a sequel  - 15