
Episode 8 of Tomorrow begins Jun-Woong recounting the previous case he worked on, writing up his report and realizing that the nitrogen cannisters in Ye-Na’s room were bought online. But from who? That’s something Jun-Woong is curious about too and he heads out to see Ms Shin, talking in a coffee shop. She mentions how she posted on social media but then someone reached out and contacted her. Whoever this is operates out of a van and they only work in cryptocurrency too. They’re making money from those in need, profiting from suicidal and vulnerable individuals. Jun-Woong is not happy but Ryung-Gu is quick to point out that they can’t intervene in human affairs or use their powers in front of them either. Unless they’re Ye-Na’s boss of course, in which case that’s fair game – right Ryeon? The others are more concerned about employee evaluation month, wanting good recommendations. Jun-Woong believes they should try and do something to stop this profiteering scam artist instead. Only, Ryung-Gu tells him that they’re not in the business of justice. Unfortunately, going to the police doesn’t help, with Jun-Woong shrugged off and told to bring them more concrete evidence to back up his claims. Realizing that he’s on his own, Jun-Woong decides to head on social media and try to root them out himself, writing up a depressing status. Someone called “Grim Reaper” messages and even sends a video over, demonstrating what this gas does to an individual by using a hamster cage. Apparently, the one in charge of this has tried to commit suicide in the past, given they have depression, and encourages everyone to join together and commit a mass suicide. Jun-Woong decides to play along and is given a location. Back at the office, Jun-Woong takes out all the weapons inside the nearby locker and decides to use this for the upcoming mission. It’s only supposed to be used for emergencies but given he’s alone in this office, Jun-Woong sees it as fair game. With the gear in hand, Jun-Woong shows up at the designated location assigned by Grim Reaper. There are several other people here too, although the Grim Reaper (whom we later find out is called Song Jin-Ho) hasn’t shown up yet. For now, this rabble of suicidal people all sit and share their stories, discussing their woes and what’s led them to this point. After sharing their stories, Jun-Woong notices a truck pull up with who he believes to be Grim Reaper outside. The man there has several cannisters and it’s enough for Jun-Woong to drop his façade and pleads with the others to leave. He hands them all a business card and ushers them out the building. Jun-Woong also points out that this man is only using them to recruit more people to his scam. Jun-Woong eventually fights with this scammer but he’s too strong and easily knocks him down. At least to begin with anyway. Jun-Woong gets the upper-hand, knocks the man clean out… and then finds himself clocked over the head by the real Jin-Ho, who happens to be one of the suicidal men, code-named Betamale. When Jun-Woong awakens, he finds himself tied up. This isn’t about money for Jin-Ho but more about motivation and drive. Every time he sees someone else die, it makes him want to live. He’s deranged and psychotic, finding joy in seeing others pass away. Thankfully, Ryung-Gu and Ryeon work out where Jun-Woong is located, courtesy of the former adding a “child location” app on his phone. After saving Jun-Woong, Ryeon chases after the Grim Reaper and beats him down. In doing so though, it actually causes Jin-Ho to become suicidal and hit the red light. He takes some poison, prompting Ryeon and Ryung-Gu to change tact and try to save him. Jun-Woong can’t bring himself to do this. The theme throughout this whole episode has been justice and doing one’s job, something that Jun-Woong decides to turn his back on. In fact, he outright decides to quit the RM Team. Just as he does, Joong-Gil appears out of thin air and promises that Jin-Ho will be punished eternally by burning in hell. Joong-Gil is disgusted to find the team are working to save “someone like him” and unfortunately, all of this is left up to Jun-Woong to decide what to do. Eventually he succumbs to his better nature and phones 911. Back at the office, Ryung-Gu talks to Jun-Woong about Ryeon’s past. She too was a brat (his words) and hot tempered over all of these cases but really, keeping these individuals alive means a punishment far worse than death. As a token of good will, Ryung-Gu hands over video evidence of Jin-Ho being the ringleader in this whole suicide deal online. Off the back of this, police arrive to arrest Jin-ho. Now, Jin-Ho has survived but he’ll live for another 18 years, unable to speak or hear in that time. It’s a fate worse than hell, and something Jun-Woong is content with. Later that day, Jun-Woong overhears Ryung-Gu and Ryeon talking about the incident involving Jin-Ho. Ryeon believes he influenced Jun-Woong’s decision but for now, the reaper is holding his cards close to his chest. He shrugs this off though and instead focuses on his own nightmares, the ones we’ve seen snippets of throughout the past few episodes. He wonders just why Ryeon has been in them. This cliffhanger soon paves way for a pretty funny epilogue as Ryeon and Ryung-Gu bemoan all the prank calls they seem to be getting. Remember the business cards Jun-Woong handed out to those suicidal people? Well, it turns out that’s where they’re calling from!

The Episode Review

Tomorrow returns with a morally conflicting episode, one that does contradict itself a little while telling its story. We’re constantly referencing back to the rules that these reapers break all the time. Ryeon specifically tells them all they can’t get involved in human affairs, but yet he’s made that boss have constant stomach problems every time he makes fun of someone. I know that may be justice, but it’s also in direct contradiction to the very rules she keeps harking on about. In terms of this case though, there’s an intriguing moral dilemma when it comes to saving those who try to kill themselves when they themselves have been encouraging others to die. This confliction is great to see but it’s a shame that most of these cases have been wrapped up with a neat little bow. Hopefully those ahead will have a bit more moral ambiguity and leave things on a sobering or challenging note. With less humour this time and more straightforward drama, Tomorrow delivers another decent episode, even if it is still struggling to find a consistent tone this late in the game.