Episode Guide

Meadow Desert Pond Rainforest Reef Dune   Apple TV’s Tiny World returns for another season, packed full of entertaining stories, big animal triumphs and more tiny creatures. With a diverse range of biomes and a familiar tone and vibe to season 1, Apple TV’s quirky docu-series continues to fire on all cylinders. Split across six episodes, this second season jet-sets across to different parts of the world, deliberating choosing different areas. From meadows packed full of mice and bumblebees through to rainforests home to camouflaged chameleons and ghost mantis, there’s a good amount of variety here that rivals that seen last year. For those who watched the first season, Tiny World holds few surprises. The camera work is just as extraordinary, getting up close and personal with some of nature’s smallest creatures. There’s some interesting zoom shots too, helping to get a grasp of the scale we’re dealing with here. The quirky tone is reflected with Paul Rudd’s returning narration, and it’s clear Tiny World is designed for kids and adults alike. There’s some good facts in here too and the 30 minute run-time for each episode is enough to prevent things stagnating. In a way, this second season is arguably a lot more interesting than the first. Part of tat comes from the biomes we explore, which includes a fascinating dive (or two) into the desert to break things up. In terms of wildlife diversity, there are a number of different species examined here. However, you do tend to find a few different animals – like the chameleon for example – showing up in multiple episodes. That’s a minor gripe though in what’s otherwise a solid docu-series. While Tiny World doesn’t hold the prestige or the popularity a David Attenborough documentary would bring, it does continue to deliver big stories on the small screen. There’s a consistently quirky tone, some nice jokes peppered in and a family-friendly approach that makes it an ideal watch for people of all ages.   Earth At Night In Color Season 2 Releases Worldwide On Apple TV+ 16th April 2021

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