Episode Guide

Episode 1 – | Review Score – 3/5 Episode 2 – | Review Score – 3.5/5 Episode 3 – | Review Score – 4/5     Three Days Of Christmas is a heartwarming, dramatic and soapy Spanish trip, following a quartet of sisters over the course of three Christmases. The first episode sees the foursome as young teenagers, navigating the world of love and hormones whilst harboring a big secret from their parents. The middle, meaty portion of the series sees these four as adults in episode 2, returning to their family home for a combined purpose. This dramatic whirlwind of character reveals and melodrama leads nicely to the final episode that rounds things out with the four as senior citizens, looking back at their lives with regret, joy or melancholy. Part historical-drama, part soap-opera romance, Three Days Of Christmas is a bit of a slow burn and at times the plot does take some turns that build up the level of drama to unbelievable heights. Without giving too much away, there’s a really touching scene in the second episode that’s completely drowned out by several bombshell announcements 5 or 10 minutes later. This changes the tone of the episode from reflective sadness to one of outright melodrama. It’s not a deal-breaker but for me personally, I would have liked the show to have reveled in that sadness a little longer. Thankfully, the third episode absolutely seals the deal, delivering a really heart-wrenching, reflective episode as the four sisters reunite once more and look back at their lives. This episode features some lovely editing too and a fair few emotional moments dotted throughout. I won’t give too much away of course but persevering with Three Days Of Christmas through some of its slower moments is absolutely rewarded with its finale. While the show itself does take a while to build up each episode, setting the scene with some cleverly written dialogue that drip-feeds exposition, the latter half of these episodes see the various tensions and drama bubble up in explosive fashion, resulting in some pretty messy confrontations. Admittedly, there are times where the show falls a little hard into soap-opera territory but the likable characters and bond this family have with one another should be enough to see you through to the end. If I’m honest, a lot of the supporting cast away from the main players here do feel like window dressing and do nothing to forward the plot. While this isn’t a deal breaker, it also solidifies that this is a drama revolving primarily around the sisters and their Father, rather than building up characters for the girls to pass the torch to for the next generation of their family. Having said all of that though, Three Days of Christmas is a soapy, heartwarming and emotional rollercoaster, one that breaks its story up nicely into three digestible hour-long chunks and never outstays its welcome. Like its four diverse sisters at the heart of this one, Three Days of Christmas is a delightful blend of ideas and while they don’t always work as well as they should, there’s a strong theme of sisterhood and familial bonds running throughout that’s perfect for this time of year. It takes a while to reach the emotional crux, and the ride to the finale does feel a little overlong at times, but Three Days of Christmas makes that wait worth it, topping things off with a heartwarming slice of Christmas goodness.   Three Days Of Christmas airs 6th December on Netflix worldwide.  

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