Baby Mama Drama

After the dramatic fallout in last week’s episode, The Village returns for another slice of melodramatic action. As the sun rises and the residents wake up to go about their morning routines, Sarah and Kate’s dancing from the night before appears to be a distant memory. Sarah confronts her daughter, demanding to know why she’s all dolled up at this time of the morning. She’s meeting Jagger, the boy she got pregnant with. After pleading with her Mum not to get involved, we’re barely given a moment to breathe as we cut across the hallway to the next familial drama. Patricia has a bad feeling about her cancer returning and after snapping at Ron, she heads to the nearby church to tell the Good Lord exactly how she feels. “Why have you put this poison in my body?” She laments bitterly before turning, eyes stinging with tears, and heading back home. As the sun rises higher, so too does the mood of the residents. At least for now. Ava returns home to her son and after a somewhat forced exchange between the two, she speaks to the man responsible for shipping her fake papers. He shrugs off her probing, telling her he has a stake in the responsibility regarding what happened. With this hanging heavy over her and tensions bubbling up all over the place, the residents decide to throw a ‘Welcome Home’ party as a way of alleviating the pent-up tension. Before we get to the party however, Sarah goes against her daughter’s wishes, laying the smackdown on the boy’s mother following her offhand remark about Katie sleeping around. It’s been a while since we caught up with our war vet but we return to Nick as he gets close to a girl at work. After reminding her he can’t put both feet forward because, well, he’s an amputee, he invites her to the rooftop party and she agrees to tag along. From here, it’s all about the party but a heartfelt speech by Ron upsets Patricia who tells him things may not be that simple this time around, teasing some foreshadowing for what might happen in this plotline going forward. Meanwhile, Nick’s date is thirsty for drama and she gets it – in the form of Sarah and Katie’s ongoing fight over the pregnancy. While wrongs are eventually righted, Nick and his date head home where he reveals some home truths about his time in Helmand. After some pretty hard slaps, the two hit it off as we leave Sarah deliberating over the events of the episode in the hallway. The Village is certainly heavy on the drama this week but there are faint glimmers of happiness interspersed in each episode. With Sarah and Kate’s drama dominating most of the episode, there’s little time to really savour some of the other stories. Having said that, this week’s episode has a pretty intense pacing but thankfully there’s no contrived dancing or over-the-top glass throwing this time around. Quite what the future holds for our apartment residents is left up for debate but for now, The Village may just fill that This Is Us itch yet.