Ken starts his first day as part of The Pentaverate’s Leichtenstein guard. When he shows an impressive display of Canadian martial arts, head guard Pikeman Higgins tells him to teach his comrades. Cho is completely fine with his fake death. He bored of his life, and the society sounds exciting to him. It doesn’t even shake him up when Lord Lordington brings up The Demetrius Protocols. The Demetrius Protocols is a doomsday plan should the Pentaverate fall into the wrong plans. The leaders explain that they would all have to kill themselves by using their cyanide pills. Pentaverate TV pays tribute to Clark and welcomes Skip Cho, a billionaire and casino owner who understands the chaos theory of weather patterns. Like Clark, Cho was brought on to help solve climate change. The Maester presents his investigation of both deaths to the Pentaverate. He presents poison as the cause of death and says he has reasons to suspect that any one of the Pentaverate leaders (except Cho) or Patty could be the murderer. Ken impresses Higgins, so he brings him to the main hall of The Pentaverate, where initiation takes place. He tells Ken something bad is brewing, and he needs him to be his eyes and ears. Cho accepts his initiation; now, the other leaders have to vote him in. During the voting process, they mention a spare key in Dubrovnik called the Parce Clavem. It can be used as an extra vote to shift the balance of power in the Pentaverate. However, if any member tries to use it, they will instantly die. The leaders unanimously vote in Cho and start their meeting. The Maester announces the arrival of an elite security force called The Red Robes. They have come to offer extra security, according to Lordington. Ken contacts his team outside to say that it sounds like The Pentaverate does some good things. Anthony admonishes him that he’s becoming brainwashed. That night, on Ken’s way outside, he finds that the Maester has been murdered, along with his lackeys. Higgins shows Ken that the Maester spelled out “Parce Clavem” in his blood. Higgins says they must go to Dubrovnik to get the key. They get on The Musk train out of there, but Sasquatch chases them, boarding a separate pod on the train.

The Episode Review

The existence of Parce Clavem adds more intrigue to The Pentaverate, as do the murders notching the killer’s belt. However, the show doesn’t take this plot with any speck of gravity. Rather, it distracts from the semblance of a murder mystery plot with cringeworthy characters and shaky one-liners. Regarding The Demetrius Protocols, it already seems The Pentaverate has fallen into the wrong hands. Will we soon be seeing a use of these cyanide pills?