Episode Guide

Hell Week: Part One Hell Week: Part Two Introduction To Ethics: Part One Introduction To Ethics: Part Two Homecoming: Part One Homecoming: Part Two Undeclared: Part One Undeclared: Part Two Finals: Part One Finals: Part Two       Teen horror is a very difficult and crowded market to stand out in. From Teen Wolf and True Blood through to Buffy The Vampire Slayer and the recent reboot of Sabrina, there’s a whole range of different options in this category for all tastes. Netflix’s latest supernatural series The Order feels like a relic of a bygone era. There’s certainly some nostalgic charm to it but it also feels like a show released 20 years too late. With cheesy dialogue, two-dimensional characters and cliched plot tropes throughout, The Order fails to really establish itself as anything but a mediocre offering in this genre. The story begins with an admittedly rocky opening episode that fires a litany of profanities and cringe inducing catchphrases in quick succession. It’s here where we’re introduced to 90’s wavy-hair styled Jack who receives a letter inviting him to join a prestigious school called Belgrave. It’s here where a secret organisation lurk in the shadows and after proving his worth, he winds up enlisting amongst the ranks. As he’s introduced to a world of monsters and magic, a rival group called The Knights rise up, intent on luring him away. In the middle of this rivalry are various monsters that show up including a Golem called Clay and a mysterious werewolf whose identity we’ll keep secret here. While the series does end with one final little plot twist at the end, the story itself is largely formulaic and full of the usual tropes you’d expect from this genre. In many ways The Order feels like an adult version of a Goosebumps or Are You Afraid Of The Dark episode. It all feels very clichéd and the acting itself leaves a lot to be desired. There’s a lot of swearing here too and given the distinctly cheesy, 90’s horror feel radiating through this one, it really feels out of place here. The Order will find a place amongst a specific group of people though, specifically young teens and die-hard fans of the genre but given its niche appeal, this is likely to be one of those shows that’ll really divide opinion amongst the masses. I found myself really conflicted watching this one. I went from raised eyebrows and loud sighs to being engrossed in the story and watching intently back to bemused expressions again. Some of this may be thanks to that nostalgic feel of 90’s horror I mentioned but the swearing and drinking make this a decidedly adult show and not something I’d recommend showing younger teens whom I actually think this show would be better served to. With so many other options in this genre, including the aforementioned Sabrina reboot, The Order just feels like it’s cashing in on a recent wave of nostalgia. It’s a shame too as there’s certainly some high points here but it all feels like very well-trodden ground. There’s nothing particularly different or unique with this one but some of the back-and-forth between the two organisations does at least show an attempt to add some unpredictability. Having said all of that, it’s difficult to recommend The Order. There are so many options in this genre and given The Order’s excessive swearing and formulaic plot line, it’s unlikely to be a show that’ll have the lasting power of the charisma needed to have it remembered for the long-term.

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