Episode Guide

Episode 1 – | Review Score – 3.5/5 Episode 2 – | Review Score – 3.5/5 Episode 3 – | Review Score – 3/5 Episode 4 – | Review Score – 3.5/5 Episode 5 – | Review Score – 3.5/5 Episode 6 – | Review Score – 3.5/5   Back for a second season, moody Polish crime drama The Mire continues to blend fact with fiction across this six episode follow-up. While a little slow at times, the second season successfully captures what made the first so enthralling, delivering a satisfying slow burn mystery. Picking up in 1997, The Mire begins with the body of a young boy called Daniel Gwitt found in the river. On top of the suspiciousness around this, fowl play is suspected after the embankment nearby is broken. With the town flooded as a result and the residents desperate for answers, it falls to newly promoted Piotr and new police investigator Anna Jass to uncover the truth. To complicate things further however, Piotr is tasked with an investigation of his own. Now in charge of the town’s newspaper, their top ad contributor Kietlar tasks Piotr with finding out the truth about his missing son, Watlek. What follows from here is a dual investigation as Piotr and Anna both run their searches parallel to one another. Of course, everything ties together in a satisfying way by the end, with all the loose ends tied up and the mystery closer to home than either of them would have ever expected. Woven through this story are a series of flashbacks to the war in 1945. This allows Witold – returning from season 1 a more weathered individual than before – to tell more of his story, with ghosts of his past bleeding through to the present as he recalls the history of his long lost lover, Else. The woven history of these characters really helps to give this show more depth, while the series does excellent job dividing the screen time between each of these three throughout the six episodes. Now, given this is a slow burn like the first season there is a fair amount of patience required when going into this. Ideally, if you can split this series across a couple of days rather than a full-on binge, The Mire is much more enjoyable. Like a sicky chocolate cake – it’s best to savour it over time rather than forcing yourself through the material. You’ll be glad you do too, as the ending really helps bring everything together. No spoilers of course but the final episode is easily the strongest of the whole season. It pulls all the big plot points together and ties everything up with a satisfying but suitably ambiguous final shot. The Mire won’t be for everyone but those after a moody crime drama should find enough to like here. It’s not perfect, and the series is a little too slow for its own good at times, but the ending makes the journey worth it in the end. Much like the first season, this one is certainly worth taking your time with.

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