Walk of Faith

Episode 4 of Sweet Magnolias Season 2 starts with Maddie gossiping about Noreen. After seeing her with Kyle, Maddie was sure to slam the door on the way in. She’s not exactly happy about Kyle opening up to her, while the women high-five Dana over her kissing Ronnie, calling it a “hot history lesson.” No mention of how Jeremy is going to feel about this then? Erik continues to support Helen around this though, bringing her food in her office (at home of course) and gently encouraging her to lean on him if she wants dinner. During Kyle’s therapy session, he speaks to Ashley about how he feels like everyone is leaving. It’s actually a big breakthrough but we don’t see this, it all happens off-screen. Later on in the episode she apologizes to Maddie for how he’s been acting and thee two hug it out. When they head to the spa, Trotter encourages Kyle and Ty to join him in meditation. Only, they can’t concentrate and start giggling and fooling about. The thing is, this feel-good attitude doesn’t concern Trotter and he simply grins. Following the big loss, Cal tries to see the bright side but unfortunately he was hired to win the State championship. As that hasn’t happened, then it could well be that they’re going to get budget cuts and that means he could lose his job. It goes all the way down to the wire, with Mary Vaughn left with the deciding vote on whether to fire Cal. And she chooses to keep him, piling on the pressure and potentially blackmailing him into submission. Cal is worried, and those pangs of frustration begin to manifest into anger. That is, until Maddie calms him down. Meanwhile, Cece hangs out with Ty at the same time as Dana hangs with Jeremy and kisses him in the kitchen again. Thankfully Annie calls her out for not being fair but Dana can’t even see what she’s doing, which upsets Annie more and she hurries home. We soon learn that Helen’s miscarriage can’t be explained but perhaps it’s fate. After all, this allows her to let go of Ryan and potentially embrace Erik instead. Helen is still on-board with the idea of having a baby though. Although Jeremy and Dana are still in business together, learning that she’s conflicted over Ronnie is a tough blow. Just before he leaves, Jeremy tells her to choose a pasture – he only hopes that it’s his. As the episode closes out, Helen ends up in church with Isaac, where they read bible passages. One, regarding “the truth shall set you free” sets off a lightbulb moment for her, as she believes they’re one step closer to uncovering Isaac’s birth mother.

The Episode Review

We’re slowly edging closer to the halfway point of this season and thankfully we see Dana actually confront Jeremy and stop fooling about behind his back. I still think she got off lightly here but alas, it sets up an intriguing choice for the episodes ahead. Meanwhile, Isaac’s birth mother subplot is still kicking about, this time reserved for the final 60 seconds of the episode while the parking issues drum up more issues for Maddie to deal with now that Kyle is on the mend. Personally I would have liked to see Kyle’s plight on-screen and see him open up in therapy. I think that’s a real missed opportunity to show off some acting prowess but unfortunately that’s kept off-screen. Everything seems to be ticking over wirthout much aplomb so let’s hope the remaining episodes pick up a bit.