Sweet Girl Plot Synopsis

Sweet Girl has a pretty formulaic plot, the action is a bit hit or miss and the antagonists are typically underdeveloped. The story here revolves around Ray and his daughter Rachel. Together, they set out to track down and kill the people responsible for indirectly killing Ray’s wife, Amanda. With a life-saving drug off the table thanks to Big Pharma greed, the pair are dead-set on gaining sweet, sweet revenge.

Is Ray really dead?

For most of the movie, Sweet Girl has us believe that Ray and Rachel are working together, systematically going after those responsible for Amanda’s death. Following that life-saving drug being taken off the market, Ray vows to kill Simon Keeley, the CEO in charge of BioPrime. Some time after this call, Ray meets a VICE journalist on a train, seemingly away from prying eyes and ears. This guy has incriminating information leading all the way up the chain of command. The few tidbits of information this man shares though sees him take a knife to the gut, as a mysterious assassin shows up and kills him. Ray and this man end up fighting, with Ray thrown through the train window and left for dead. He’s sprawled out on his back and struggling to remain conscious. Rachel looks over and sees her Father – to her at least – lose consciousness. We then jump forward 24 months later where it’s assumed that Rat survived his ordeal. In reality, Ray was actually dead all this time and Rachel has been imagining her Father with her during these moments. She was the one who viciously murdered both Keeley and Shah – players in this big pharma conspiracy. So yes, Ray is really dead.

Does Rachel believe she’s actually Ray?

The scene from the beginning of the movie – the stand-off atop the bridge – is now given more context following this big twist. FBI detective Meeker, an agent whom Rachel has been confiding in throughout the movie, encourages Rachel to say her own name. This seems to be a mantra of sorts for Rachel, bringing her back from the brink. It’s clear she’s going through some serious trauma (I mean, she has just lost both her parents) and that earlier bite of dialogue from Ray during his opening (and closing) monologue: “Parents and their children… where does one end and the other begin?” seems to be a big hint at what’s happening. Based on this, one can assume that Rachel has “become” Ray in an attempt to gain revenge and live for his final purpose – to make those responsible for Amanda’s death pay.

Does Rachel finish her revenge mission?

Rachel jumps from the bridge – a repeat of the earlier opening scene but this time with the right context. Rachel falls, taken away in an ambulance to get treatment. She soon awakens though and fights her way out, causing it to crash. Walking away from the wreckage, Rachel travels off to Pittsburgh for the final stop on her revenge tour. This comes in the form of politician Diane Morgan, whose corruption is the sole reason why all of this has occurred. She took a bribe to “clean out the rot” and ordered the hit on the Vice journalist too. This, of course, led to Ray’s death. Rachel is left with a big decision to make during the climax of the movie. With a knife to Morgan’s throat, she decides not to kill the woman and instead sends her recorded confession to the FBI. With Morgan arrested, Rachel applies some make-up and skips away on a plane. How does she manage to make it past airport security without her passport being flagged? Who knows, let’s just go with it. Rachel manages to leave, while Morgan is arrested.     Read More: Sweet Girl Review Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! So what did you think of the ending? Were you shocked by that twist? Let us know in the comments below!

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Sweet Girl Ending Explained  A game changing twist   The Review Geek - 87Sweet Girl Ending Explained  A game changing twist   The Review Geek - 57Sweet Girl Ending Explained  A game changing twist   The Review Geek - 70