The New Otis

Episode 2 of Sex Education Season 3 starts with Adam and Eric rolling around in their room. When Maureen heads up to check on them, the pair claim that they’re “practicing karate.” Adam is having trouble coming out to his Mum, but the pair do agree to have sex soon in the near future. Meanwhile Isaac believes Maeve should apply for the school scheme in America. Maeve isn’t sure it’s the right move and soon skips out, ready for school. At the same time, Ruby helps get Otis dressed up, even going so far as to hand over Anwar’s jacket and call him OT for short. Otis’s new look immediately draws attention from the students as they show up at Moordale. The place has had quite the turnaround though, with a bright yellow line down the middle of all the corridors and plenty of enforced rules. In the middle of music class, Hope takes Jackson outside to get his opinion on the school’s transformation. He admits it’s all a bit militant for him but Hope uses him to enforce the single-file rule. Hope is literally Dolores Umbridge here, taking a walk around campus and making sure the place is up to scratch. One person who’s actually happy with this though is Viv, who manages to bag some time to paint over the “Wall of Penises” at school. While she and Jackson start to hit it off, it doesn’t take long for Cal to show. She convinces Jackson to talk Hope out of destroying this. Speaking of stop, Otis finds himself wondering what to do with Ruby. After all, the casual sex is absolutely amazing but is it worth losing one’s identity just to keep this up? (No. The answer is always no.) Aimee is still going through a lot of issues after the bus incident, and asks Otis for help in bringing Jean onboard as a therapist. Only, Jean is seeking therapy of her own with Jakob, determined to try and sort through their issues and be dependable co-parents for their baby. Elsewhere, Eric and Adam’s afternoon picnic goes awry. Adam is worried and clearly insecure, which eventually brings him over to Otis’s house. Adam has had trouble articulating his feelings and wants his help, especially given how close he is to Eric. Otis suggests he write down his thoughts, which could help him speak more clearly to Eric about his true feelings. Adam though implores Otis not to talk about him to Eric anymore and suggests he go back to wearing his own clothes too. Meanwhile, Isaac and Maeve end up kissing…before Isaac finally reveals the truth about him deleting Otis’s message. He even divulges the details of Otis having feelings for her, which ultimately sees Maeve turn on Isaac (woohoo!) and walk away. Adam does eventually head over to Eric’s house and, with his back turned to his lover, reveals how he feels. He wants to make love, but he actually wants Eric to make love to him. And as night turns to day, it seems like that’s exactly what’s happened between them. Or, at least it’s implied anyway. Adam’s big transformation continues at school, where he asks for extra schooling from Emily. It’s a massive step up and one that sees him finally start to progress forward. Back over at Otis’s house, Jean breaks the news that she wants Jakob and Ola to move in so they can be a proper family. With the conversation flowing, Otis takes this golden opportunity to turn to Jean and ask her to speak to Aimee. And Jean obviously agrees to do just that. With Otis taking a stand and deciding to wear his own clothes from now on, he speaks to Ruby properly and manages to convince her to actually take an extra step and become an official couple. As the episode closes out, Hope continues to dominate at Moordale, making Viv the new head-girl. Jackson is let go from his position completely. And to make things worse? There’s going to be a school uniform from now on. Uh oh.

The Episode Review

Ugh, Hope is literally becoming Dolores Umbridge. The school rules being enforced is quite reminiscent of schools over here in England, and thee sheer number of stories about kids sent home for “non-regulation uniforms” is actually pretty shocking. Anyway, I digress. Seeing Maeve learn the truth about Otis’ message from Isaac, and turn away from him too, is a pretty celebratory moment that most fans will enjoy. His dickish move of deleting Otis’s message was really out of order and regardless of how he was feeling, is completely uncalled for. There’s definitely unresolved tensions there though and it seems like we could still be on for some Maeve/Otis action after all, despite him getting cozy with Ruby now. On a different note, Colin the music teacher has been pure jokes all season long. He’s got some golden lines here too, and rebelling against Hope while venting to Groff is great to see and an unintentional highlight of the season so far. The big star here though is Adam, who finally opens up and finds a way to say his true feelings. It’s a great way of progressing his character and certainly welcome too. With the school on-course to become more draconian as the episodes progress, will it take a knight in shining armour to save the day? A knight in the form of Mr Groff perhaps? We’ll have to wait and see!