Rocky’s fate turns around when a computer simulation suggests that a younger version of him can beat the current heavyweight champ, Mason Dixon. The simulation inspires Rocky to get back into the ring, while Dixon wants to prove to the world Rocky is no match for his strength.

How is Rocky faring after Adrian’s death?

Rocky is trying to keep depression at bay as he misses his wife and the company of his son. He has opened a new Italian restaurant named after his late wife. Rocky entertains his patrons telling them stories from his past. Rocky’s relationship with his son, Robert, has deteriorated over the years, and they no longer keep in touch. The only person by Rocky’s side is his brother-in-law, Paulie who is facing struggles of his own. Rocky meets a woman named Marie who he had helped decades back. Marie has a teenage son, Stephenson (nicknamed Steps) who was born out of wedlock. Rocky enjoys spending time with Marie and Steps as it gives him a sense of family.

Rocky’s next match is set

Mason “The Line” Dixon is the current heavyweight champion who has never been defeated. Despite being the champ, he has never experienced fame similar to that enjoyed by the likes of Rocky and Apollo Creed. A computer simulation suggests that Rocky will emerge victorious over Dixon with a knockout. Ruffled, Dixon is looking for a way to find respect and fame as a champ. On the other hand, Rocky, impressed with the results, wants to get back into the ring. After Dixon’s camp express their intention for a bout against Rocky, the match is set.

The training starts

Rocky convinces everyone he can pull it off, but Robert doesn’t believe his father stands a chance. He confronts Rocky and tries to demoralize him. But, Rocky rebukes him with a solid message that hits him right in the heart. The next day, both men meet over Adrian’s grave where they reconcile. With his people by his side, Rocky is all set to go. Rocky kicks off training with his old trainer, Duke. Duke employs his signature training methods to prepare Rocky both physically and mentally. It’s not long before Rocky gets in shape to take on Dixon.

Does Rocky beat Dixon?

Dixon troubles Rocky in the first round with his skills. However, Rocky returns to his classic form in the second, and Dixon realizes the man in his 50’s won’t be easy to break. Both men give the performance of a lifetime giving each other an intense beating. The last round concludes with both men exhausted and still standing. Rocky praises Dixon’s performance. Dixon is announced the winner by a split decision as Rocky exits the ring. The crowd gives Rocky an unwavering standing ovation. A thankful Rocky returns to Adrian’s grave to pay his respects to her, as the film comes to a close.

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Rocky Balboa  2006  Ending Explained   Does Rocky beat Dixon  - 48Rocky Balboa  2006  Ending Explained   Does Rocky beat Dixon  - 77Rocky Balboa  2006  Ending Explained   Does Rocky beat Dixon  - 98