The Darkness

Following last week’s episode, Pennyworth returns this week with more dark crime thrills as the conflict with the Raven Society heats up. With more details surrounding the No-Name Society and a shocking plot twist at the end, Epix’s latest crime thriller pulls out the stops to deliver another thoroughly enjoyable episode. We begin with Alfred warned off from working against the Queen, reminded he’s playing with the devil in joining up with the No-Name League. While he chews over these words, Martha approaches him with another job, which he initially refuses. However, she offers him double the original amount of money, prompting him to reluctantly agree – the mission being to find the name of the new leader of the Raven Society. While Esme struggles with her anxiety, eventually leading to Alfred suggesting she stay with his parents, Bet bemoans her boredom up North and ends up in a fight with her sister. This inevitably pushes her over the edge and she packs up her things and heads back to London. Alfred starts his job soon after, beginning with finding a man carrying half a dozen white roses. When they find him they discover he’s been shot dead but the train tickets in his wallet help them identify where to go next. Leaving the train at their designated stop, they find a quaint tea room named The Darkness. Once there, Alfred asks about the dead man which ultimately leads to the room clearing and Alfred alone with the owner, who comes out brandishing a shotgun. After accidently blowing her own head off with the gun, Alfred and Martha leave the tea room and are immediately ambushed by guards who chase them down. Thankfully, Martha’s loaded gun scares them off, allowing her enough time to head to hospital and receive stitches. An anaesthetic knocks her out while Alfred turns himself in to the authorities. Blindfolded and interrogated, Alfred asks to speak to the ones in charge, which leads him to the room Martha is recovering in. It turns out the doctor who saved Martha is actually the new leader of the Raven Society. Together, Alfred and Martha overcome the guards and, having found out her name, leave and head back home. Martha and Alfred then share a drink where they discuss their past and the job at hand. They also share a kiss too which Alfred immediately regrets. As he hurriedly leaves, he returns home to find Esme’s been strangled to death. As predicted, Esme meets a horrible fate this week and just what effect this will have on our protagonist remains to be seen. Stylistically, the episode continues to impress with its usual blend of cockney and British influences, and a smattering of beautifully shot scenes of England. With Bet heading back to London (and potentially the one involved in Esme’s murder), the door is left wide open for the rest of the season to follow. I’d imagine we’ll see Alfred on the war-path from here on out though, potentially alongside Dave Boy and Bazza as they rip apart the Raven Society to find out who’s responsible for Esme’s death. It certainly leaves the possibilities open for a wild ride to follow but right now Pennyworth bows out with another very good episode.