Track List

Brickwall It’s Boring In Spite of You Shitegeist Hope It’s Hell Canola Gravity Crowd Pleaser Fine Print Otherside The Machine Stops Tinfold Unsaid Like a Masochist   Lurking around are these musicians who are ready to take on the world. With infused punk rock songs, No Matter fills the scene with their energy, and their hearts are clearly in it. Bad Chemistry is their album of truth and their record of authority. This is a collection brimming in lyrical licks and guitar frenzy. The sound has certainly taken influence from bands such as Green Day too, with those chord-driven songs spearheading a small revolution. From the start, Bad Chemistry is on full throttle with no let-up or soothing backdrop. Every song and lyric has been meticulously designed though with the feel of more style over substance. Sometimes in this particular scene lyrics do not play a pivotal part, and noise can overthrow the story. On this record though, there are plenty of fables to consider. The guitar work is enthralling at moments and perfect for the punk lovers. ‘Brickwall’ starts the record off with intelligent lyricism and sublime chord progression. The track is an impeccable opening. ‘Canola’ sparks fury after a calm start, and the punk vocals enforce a sense of nostalgia. That infectious chorus bursts with extreme intensity. ‘Fine Print’ opens with a blast of percussion and the guitar sound becomes frenzied. The lyrics tell tales of broken hope. No Matter is a band which has created a record filled with anecdotes that describe bad aftertastes and miserable memories. Though this is the case, their music is lively and rooted in punk spirit.

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No Matter   Bad Chemistry   Album Review - 65