Ho-Beom’s Redemption

Episode 10 of Navillera begins with Deok-Chool shocked that Chae-Rok knew about his condition. He sobs, eventually pulling himself together enough to plead with Chae-Rok not to tell anyone. Well, Seong-Gwan already knows, which Deok-Chool now finds out too. Following his student outside, Chae-Rok saves Deok-Chool from walking into traffic. Meanwhile, Mu-Yeong confronts Ho-Beom and apologizes for the past. Ho-Beom refuses to listen, bemoaning his luck and claiming that Mu-Yeong ruined his career. Only, Mu-Yeong explains himself this time. He didn’t add Ho-Beom to the list on purpose. He knew Ho-Beom had an injury and intentionally left him out to allow the kid to heal. His beatings were greedy and selfish, which Mu-Yeong admits and blames himself for. However, he tells Ho-Beom it’s not too late and he can start over again. Ho-Beom clings to this too, eventually deciding that billiards isn’t fun anymore and walking away. Later that day, Chae-Rok confronts Deok-Chool about his condition and tells him he should quit ballet. While Deok-Chool stays home and thinks over what Chae-Rok told him, Chae-Rok himself begins dancing. Mr Ki notices him on his own and encourages Chae-Rok to join him in his office. Once there, they get talking about the upcoming performance. Meanwhile, Deok-Chool takes Seong-Gwan outside to his favourite place. This includes an outdoor gym and going for a jog. After, the pair wind up having food together. Later though, he picks up his lunchbox from Hae-Nam and tells them he’s heading back to the studio. Elsewhere, Eun-Ho gets talking to her colleague regarding the show. It’s not good news. The ratings are really low and they could even be cancelled too. Speaking of low, Seung-San finds the office completely abuzz with news. The principal loss rate has spiraled down by over 90% and this puts Seung-San in a really difficult position. When Ae-Ran sees what’s happened, she worries and watches helplessly from afar. Outside, Hae-Nam visits the doctor with Seong-Gwan. He tells her there’s nothing wrong and that she needs to keep taking her vitamins. She’s relieved, admitting that she doesn’t have a lot of money – especially if she ends up sick. As the pair sit and talk together, Hae-Nam admits that she knows about Deok-Chool’s condition. She overheard Chae-Rok talking outside. Seong-Gwan is shocked and finds himself sobbing. Hae-Nam tells him not to tell his siblings yet and promises to do everything she can to make sure everything remains exactly as it is. Outside, Ho-Beom begins jogging again and notices Deok-Chool sitting alone on a bench, deep in thought. He messages Chae-Rok, asking what to do. While awaiting a reply, he doesn’t realize Deok-Chool has got up. He smiles warmly and invites Ho-Beom out for food. Deok-Chool tells him it’s not too late as Ho-Beom bemoans how out of shape he’s become in this four year period. Afterwards, Mr Ki rings and tells Deok-Chool to dance the following day. For now, Deok-Chool heads back home and puts a saucepan on the stove. In doing so, he completely forgets about it and heads out to buy new shoes. Hae-Nam heads home and notices the pot burning. She rushes into the kitchen and turns off the heat, burning her hand in the process. When Deok-Chool returns, he realizes what’s happened and is immediately crushed. After thinking over his options, Deok-Chool begins looking at different care homes. He even heads up to a high peak and speaks to Gyo-Seok, his friend who passed away at the start of the season. While he’s there, we get a touch of Deja vu as everyone loses Deok-Chool again. Seong-Gwan, Hae-Nam and Chae-Rok all go searching for him, while Deok-Chool himself happens to be up on the mountainside. Deok-Chool even switches his phone off too. That evening, Seong-Gwan sobs and rings Seong-San, apologizing. Eventually he breaks the news that Deok-Chool has Alzheimer’s. It’s a massive hammer blow for him, but one that sees Seong-San rush out to try and find his Father. Out of everyone, it’s Seong-San who tracks him down first. He hugs his Dad and tells him he’ll always be his big pillar. He eventually drives Deok-Chool home, where he realizes it has started snowing. Chae-Rok is there too, and Deok-Chool immediately leaves the car and heads out into the middle of the street. Raising his hands, he begins dancing. This is, of course, a throwback to a few episodes back where Chae-Rok did the same for him. Deok-Chool admits that he’s terrified of what the future holds. Through it all though, he never missed a day. He wanted his body to keep learning ballet. On the back of this, Chae-Rok encourages Deok-Chool to continue practicing ballet.

The Episode Review

Navillera bows out this week’s double bill with another strong dose of poignant drama. The crushing reality that Hae-Nam knew about Deok-Chool’s health all this time is definitely a bitter pill to swallow. The entire episode essentially revolves around these little pockets of reveals about Deok-Chool’s condition. Through it all, Seong-San heads out and finds his Father, giving an impassioned plea to show he cares. Their father/son relationship has been pretty estranged throughout this season, and here that’s reinforced again. Although bonded through difficult circumstances, hopefully they can patch up their differences and grow stronger through all of this. This chapter does feel quite similar to the aquarium incident a few episodes back though, but it works well to reinforce that Deok-Chool is trying to regain control of his mind (checking pictures of ballet etc.) The real surprise though comes from Ho-Beom. His character development has been excellent and he’s definitely made some big changes in his life. Seeing him messaging Chae-Rok and checking up on Deok-Chool is a lovely moment and one that reinforces that this kid is really not that bad under the thin, surface-level veil of anger he holds. Everything is set for a dramatic finale to follow though, and these final two episodes look set to deliver some big drama.