Joyce expresses her concerns over how Minx is going to be perceived by their readers. The picture in question shows Billy standing while the women are posing as reindeers on all fours. The whole idea of these women being submissive isn’t exactly going to mesh well with the empowering message at the heart of Minx magazine.

Why is William Wilkerson suing Minx?

Anyway, there are more problems for the Minx gang, as they learn they’re being sued by William Wilkerson. He claims their article about marital rape enticed a wife to use salsa to burn the man’s penis. Any male watching this is likely to wince, especially given the opening segment to this chapter, and it’s yet another obstacle standing in Minx’s way. This act also entices a new pro-men movement called M.E.N. to act against the empowering women and take down Minx once and for all. Joyce also decides to take action, scooping up Bambi and Richie to her cause and writing out a handwritten cease and desist request to get rid of the third issue of Minx. After handing it over to Doug, they leave him with a lot to think about. An internal war is brewing, so Doug does his best to try and appease to Doug and Bambi’s demands to tempt them over onto his side.

Do Doug and Joyce convince Wanda?

Meanwhile, Doug heads off to visit Wanda, the wife of William Wilkerson to try and get her side of the story. Only, Joyce shows up soon after and the pair end up butting heads over Wanda’s motivations. Wanda speaks up though and decides she’s going to speak her own truth without either of them present, pointing out that Minx’s magazine did inspire her to take action but she didn’t mean to do anything really bad, she simply wanted to make a bit of a joke out of her husband.

What happens with the M.E.N. protest? Why are they so angry?

Bridget heads on the radio and decides she’s going to try and enact a new law to stop the distribution of pornography. When the M.E.N. head outside the Minx office and begin chanting and marching, Bambi tries to reach them. She speaks calmly but unfortunately in mentioning that she’s no longer doing nude modelling, the men are enraged and storm into the building. Joyce and the gang hide in one of the offices where they scramble to phone the police. Unfortunately, the cops are under Bridget’s instructions not to arrive, so it seems like they’re on their own. Bottom Dollar is completely trashed, while the main team sit and go through the fan letters. When an effigy is burned in the main atrium, they call in the Russians to sort these men out. There’s a nice little montage here that ensues after, as the guys manage to get out, Shelly shows her photos to her husband while Tina ends up receiving a letter of acceptance from multiple different colleges.

How does Minx end?

Off the back of this, and safe from the angry swarm of M.E.N., Doug tries to encourage Joyce to go back to being partners. Joyce isn’t so sure and admits she’s not particularly interested in giving away her power. Doug eventually makes a leap of faith and decides just to give Joyce Minx magazine. Doug doesn’t want to lose her and compromises, telling her he can’t wait to see what she does with the magazine. “Good luck.” He says, leaving Joyce with a big decision to make.

The Episode Review

So Minx bows out with a sequel-bait ending that leaves the door wide open for season 2. Now, at the time of writing HBO haven’t actually renewed this one but given the decent viewing figures and the empowering message, it w9uldn’t be surprising if they do green-light this one. In the meantime though, the finale does well to finally show that Joyce is not compromising on her vision but also recognizes that Minx is her baby and doesn’t really want to give up control to someone with an alternate vision. Likewise, Doug realizes that he’s going to lose Joyce, a key part of Minx’s success, unless he actually allows her creative control. This essentially forms the foundation of this conflict and it’s a nice way to round out their characters to see Doug compromising and trusting Joyce to do what’s right. There’s also some nice work done with Shelly too while Bambi’s character is probably the most rounded here as she decides against doing any more modelling, which is a great touch. Hopefully this one will be renewed for a second season though, as Minx certainly has enough in the tank to go for round 2!