The Truth Will Out

Episode 11 of Mad For Each Other begins with Hwi-Oh heading inside the building to find Min-Kyung blowing her whistle. It turns out the gas-mask wearing man inside is actually a woodworker and she’s trespassing. He leads her outside and apologizes to the man, although it seems like Min-Kyung’s suspicions are correct. It looks like it could be a drug den, especially when Yang shows up at the door to see them off. Anyway, Hwi-Oh promises to call the police to investigate the next day. Out at a restaurant he speaks to the other officers about Yang and whether the violent crime department could be aligned with him. Min-Kyung happens to be listening from the table over and she interjects when the conversation dies down. Hwi-Oh pretends like he doesn’t know her…at least to begin with, before the truth about the pair is finally revealed. Things soon turn awkward when the conversation turns to Hwi-Oh’s ex and their history together. However, it’s obvious Min-Kyung and Hwi-Oh get on well together. They head out and hold hands while talking, with Hwi-Oh sporting a big old grin on his face. Hwi-Oh manages to gain a doctor’s note following his progress with quelling his anger. As he heads back into work, news breaks about crimes relating to domestic violence. Part of this includes Lee Seon-Ho being made to fill out an apology letter. He’s also told to stay away from Min-Kyung too. He does no such thing though, walking out and refusing to listen. Unfortunately, he also finds Min-Kyung’s apartment too and watches her from afar. Hwi-Oh uncovers a big break regarding Yeongdong Team Four. It turns out Yang and Pil-Hee are one and the same. These crooked cops also liaised with Yang to make sure they cracked down all the drug dealers in the county apart from him. Not only does this deal make Yang richer, it also allows the officers to rise up the ranks too. The Yeongdong officers showed up at the opportune time to stop Hwi-Oh from taking out their star man. In doing so, they also took Hwi-Oh out the equation. All of this also means that he’s unable to meet Min-kyung. That’s bad news given Seon-Ho has shown up and taken Howi away. Min-kyung eventually finds her dog badly injured outside. She rushes him to the vets before hurrying over to Hwi-Oh’s. Only, a woman answers the door. Who could it be?

The Episode Review

Mad For Each Other returns with its most dramatic episode yet, one that deepens the ties between Hwi-Oh and Min-Kyung while highlighting the issues they’ve both been dealing with across this season. With Seon-Ho on the hunt and Hwi-Oh figuring out the truth about the police officers, everything is poised nicely for the final two episodes to come. The cliffhangers these past few episodes have been really good and now that both of our protagonists have moved past their initial issues, the show is all the stronger for it. The ending certainly hints that we’ve got a lot of drama still to come from the final two chapters. Mad For Each Other has been a really solid offering this year though and one that’s got better and better as the episodes have progressed. Roll on tomorrow’s episode!