Ola Adebayo

Episode 4 of Love Life Season 2 begins with Marcus in a bookstore, moving around his own book into the Critic Pick section. There, he runs into a young woman called Ola, who happens to be a playwright. Marcus invites her out for a drink but she’s about to go to Vermont for a work trip. Marcus is pretty pushy tough and his enthusiasm eventually wins her over. She agrees to go for a drink with him. That evening Ola and Marcus head out, with the latter even calling it their first date. Their night goes well and although there’s only a small spark between them, Marcus decides to lean into the idea of a relationship, believing it’ll lead to fireworks in the future. An incident at Ola’s apartment thrusts them down into speeding up their relationship, with Ola moving into Marcus’s apartment. Now, Ola is a very spiritual person, complete with horoscopes and crystals. Judging by Marcus’s pained expression, it seems like he’s having regrets. Funnily enough, while he’s out moving Ola’s car, Mia passes by. She’s broken up with her partner and the pair hug – a little too long for just acquaintances – which only further casts doubts in Marcus’s mind. Ola’s career takes a nosedive not long after too, with producers passing up her latest play. Marcus eventually realizes his mistakes and that this relationship may not have been the best choice. He struggles to perform in bed and even on his own he fails to become aroused… until he thinks of Mia in the shower. Midway through the deed, Ola bursts into the bathroom and sees him. Angry and upset, Ola leaves as Marcus is once again left on his own.

The Episode Review

The latest episode of Love Life returns and to be honest, I actually agree with Ola on this one. Marcus was the one pushing for a relationship and the flakey way he’s been agreeing with everything Ola has to say and not laying down ground rules from the start is just a recipe for disaster. Alas, it ends with Ola and Marcus breaking up. Much like the first season, Marcus and Mia’s early season interactions ultimately leads to this inevitably between the two; it seems obvious now that Marcus and Mia will end up together by the time the season ends. While it hasn’t been as good as the first season, Love Life has enough in the tank to make for an enjoyable watch all the same, leaving the door wide open for where this one may go for the rest of the season.