A New Contract

Episode 5 of Love in Contract begins in the past, with Ji-Ho reflecting on how kind Sang-Eun is. He heads to a restaurant, sitting behind Sang-Eun and listening as she tries to help her clients. When Sang-Eun runs off, he picks up the business card she’s left behind for Single Life Helper, and that’s how all of this started. This brings us along nicely to the present, with Ji-Ho noticing Sang-Eun ob TV with Hae-Jin. He’s not happy. While he stews in his anger, Hae-Jin speaks to Sang-Eun and tells her he wants to sign a contract. He points out that she needs money, swiping her hand away from the door and admitting that he wants to protect his mum. He begs her, doing everything he can to convince her. “Can you save me from this hell?” She’s not sure, especially given Hae-Jin has won awards for acting before, but he gives he his motorcycle to drive home to help mull over her options. It’s true she does need the money, and with the Canada trip delayed then it’s back to basics… and that includes a cute little car as well. Sang-Eun drives said car to pick up Yoo from the detention center. Naturally, he drops her off at her apartment where the landlady is there, annoyed and buzzing around Yoo’s room while she picks up some of her things. Yoo packs up a suitcase and bags a ride with Sang-Eun to her apartment, where she’ll be staying for a while. Yoo is shocked at her accommodation, and is bamboozled by Gwang-Nam too, whom she believes is her maid. Once this awkwardness is cleared up, this shameless woman tells Sang-Eun she needs to be ready to go on a number of blind dates so she can get married to a rich conglomerate or CEO. However, Sang-Eun throws out that she’s married to Gwang-Nam so that won’t happen. Outside, she talks to Gwang-Nam about Hae-Jin’s offer and contemplates whether to take it up. However, she’s also had a message from Ji-Ho too, asking about salmon. She does eventually message him back, telling Ji-Ho that she’ll cook something up for him on their last day together. When Sang-Eun shows up at the apartment, she’s wearing a a motorcycle helmet and the same black attire that the attacker did last episode. When Ji-Ho sees, he begins fighting with her but she’s super athletic and manages to land on her feet after being flipped over. When he lifts the visor, he realizes it’s Sang-Eun and awkwardness ensues. “Let’s talk on Wednesday,” He says, “This isn’t our day.” No, it’s not. This day is actually Hae-Jin’s, as the contract is drawn up and Sang-Eun goes over the rules with him. With that sorted, a day passes and Sang-Eun returns to Ji-Ho. She admits that she’s signed a contract with Hae-Jin. Ji-ho knows that this is probably about money and is worried about her, especially after their chat about her dreams last time. “Do you want our contract to continue?” Ji-Ho asks, going on to explain that if she needs money then he’s happy to help out. Unfortunately, she interprets this as pity and with tears in her eyes, retorts that this is the worst and leaves. Instead, she heads off with Hae-Jin, where she keeps up appearances. Remember her plea to him to keep her identity a secret? Well, he takes off her headscarf and wraps it around her while she’s asleep in her car. News of this inevitably spreads through the media, given Sang-Eun is “working” right now, including to Ji-Ho. He tries to keep his emotions in check, as he prepares for Sang-Eun’s final day. Unfortunately, she doesn’t show up, prompting Ji-Ho to confront his therapist and ask her for help. She does help him a little, telling him not to hold back anymore, but the focus is squarely on Hae-Jin and Sang-Eun this episode. Given she’s supposed to be keeping her identity a secret, Ssng-Eun leaves his apartment without sunglasses on and drives off. Ji-Ho notices paparazzi following and cuts them off on the road, promising trouble if they continue. As for Sang-Eun, she decides to go hiking on her day off but before she can leave the house, Ji-Ho happens to be there. He calls out Sang-Eun for being unprofessional and not showing up to work, telling her he was waiting.

The Episode Review

The ties between Sang-Eun and Ji-Ho are pretty good and it’s nice to see Ji-Ho slowly start to realize his true feelings for her over time. As for Hae-Jin though, he’s really not making a great first impression. He’s definitely the second lead in this and I just cannot see any future between the pair. He’s not exactly sympathetic to Sang-Eun’s needs either, although as a celebrity he should be able to financially help her out, so I guess there is that. The main draw here though comes from Sang-Eun and Park Min-Young plays her really well. She has a lot of charisma and warmth in this series and she always brings her A-game to these shows. The ending certainly hints that we’re going to see Ji-Ho and Sang-Eun pick up where they left off with their marriage contract, but we’ll have to wait and see what the show has in store for us.