Santa Arrives

Episode 8 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3 starts with Hye-Ryung spooked and hurrying out the house. After seeing Song-Won’s ghost, she’s not hanging about. The ghost does though, and even sits with Sa-Hyeon while he’s in the living room. Later on, we see the ghost eating doughnuts, because why not I guess? Meanwhile, Dong-Mi heads home after the Ki-Rim ghost episode and hands over some gifts to give to Ji-A. She even praises Pi-Young and gives her a hug. It’s pretty bizarre behaviour and something that immediately sees Pi-Young ring A-Mi, telling her she was was acting strangely. A-Mi opens up and admits to Pi-Young that Ji-A was there at the bookstore and left, with her reciting the words about not wanting to see Yu-Shin again. Although Yu-Shin is understandably not happy, they’re both interrupted by Dong-Mi showing up with gifts for them both, doing her best to be sympathetic to her needs. Yu-Shin is called away by Hae-Ryun who takes him out for drinks. The pair gossip about Si-Eun’s marriage, with Hae-Ryun worried about the man her ex is dating. With the wedding coming up next month, he tasks Yu-Shin with looking into this in more detail for him. Meanwhile, Seo-Ban’s father shows up to see his son, although they’re clearly estranged. He asks a number of questions about Si-Eun but Seo-Ban is cold and standoffish, knowing that he probably won’t approve of her. Seo-Ban’s father is not happy with his choice, given the possibility of having kids is very low and eventually admits that he’s speechless, unhappy with Seo-Ban dating someone like Si-Eun. Getting nowhere with Seo-Ban, he turns toward his other son, the creepy stalker Dong-Ma. He’s obviously unhappy and tries to come up with a way of dissuading them from getting married. Dong-Ma admits that he’s already tried talking to his brother but that hasn’t worked. However, it’s fair to say he’s going to probably keep up this charade and mess up the wedding in some way. Si-Eun gets packed up with Seo-Ban as they head out for their scheduled trip. With the pair getting along well with U-Ram and Hyang-Ki, Ji-A is not taking the news about her father well. Ji-A sits at dinner with Pi-Young and starts crying, dumbfounded over what Yu-Shin has done. Pi-Young gently reassures her, even deciding they should forgive Yu-Shin and move past this. She admits to Ji-A that you can’t control your heart and who you love, so in that respect she doesn’t blame A-Mi. Yu-Shin heads over to try and patch things up with Ji-A, even bringing a gift for her too. However, he has an ulterior motive – he’s there to ask about Seo-Ban. Through Pi-Young, he learns who he is and eventually stops with the questioning. When Yu-Shin leaves, creepy Dong-Ma arrives dressed as Santa Claus to her door. He hugs Pi-Young tightly, who admits that she missed him. Dong-Ma drops off a whole stack of gifts for her and Ji-A, including cakes, socks and a massive teddy. As they message one another later, Ji-A has been invited along to go to a hotel with Dong-Mi. After what happened to Pi-Young’s mum, she’s taking no chances and decides to go. So off she goes, on a road-trip with happy Dong-Mi, Yu-Shin and A-Mi. The gang start skiing together, with Ji-A deciding to be open to this new relationship. Pi-Young messages Dong-Ma while she’s in the bath, sending a picture of her leg across to him. He’s obviously very fond of this, as Pi-Young continues to express interest in the creep (Sorry readers, this whole “romance” is icky.) With the whole family gone, Pi-Young meets with Dong-Ma and the pair head out together to go and try on rings and necklaces. Money is no problem for Dong-Ma, who ends up buying her some jewellery. Dong-Ma admits that he wants to get married quickly, deciding to rush through everything and admitting he doesn’t want to hang about and wait. He even checks notes admits that he likes hearing her scream. Right then. After their night together, Dong-Ma drive her home, giving her a kiss and promising to buy her a cake the following day. He also tells her to stop moving her mouth how she is, hugging her as she’s about to shut the door. Meanwhile, Dong-Mi grabs a pair of scissors and begins cutting her hair off in the middle of the night.

The Episode Review

After watching Pi-Young fall for Dong-Ma, I now understand why so many people were swooning for Ted Bundy. The man is a straight-up creep. Dong-Ma barely knows Pi-Young, wants to rush through dating and getting to know her, stalks her all over a fairground, makes her visibly uncomfortable until her defences are shattered and then decides they’re going to get married immediately, and that she’s the love of his life. Pi-Young has now decided she likes Dong-Ma after their kiss, a kiss she didn’t actually ask for and could be construed as assault, especially if she didn’t like it. Compared to the natural chemistry between Seo-Ban and Si-Eun, which is really sweet, these two are just straight up awful. Sorry guys, I’m not seeing it and it feels like it’s been picked up from the rejected pile of teenage romance novels. Si-Eun and Seo-Ban’s story does fare a little better which is good, but even then the show has issues balancing that with more interesting drama and a consistent storyline right the way through. For now though, everything is falling into place for another train wreck of a season. But yet, somehow, it’s watchable enough to keep going. So who knows! We’ll have to wait and see what next week has in store for us.