The Doctor Will See You Now

Episode 8 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2 begins with Hye-Ryung berating Song Won and Sa-Hyun for what they’ve done. She demands Song Won explain everything, including the gym and exact moments they started talking. Even worse, she spies the ring which Sa-Hyun claims was a partying gift for Song Won. Sa-Hyun goes on to admit that this is hard on everyone and nonchalantly tells his wife they should end it. Hye-Ryung slaps her husband in the face multiple times until Song Won finally speaks up. Only, her words are all a big vision. The show pulls another Twilight on us, especially after Song Won reveals her true, despicable feelings. The gist of this is that Hye-Ryung brought this upon herself for not being completely infatuated and loving with Sa-Hyun. Sorry Song Won, I guess some women actually want to have a career and be strong, aspirational leaders. Anyway, in reality Song Won apologizes and admits she’s only met Sa-Hyun’s parents three or four times. As if that’s any better. She’s sorry for causing this mess and hangs her head in shame. As she leaves, Sa-Hyun’s parents do too, comforting the woman who’s broken up this marriage. Cowardly Sa-Hyun walks off too and finds himself conflicted over what to do. He can’t speak to his wife and eventually sits in silence, deciding he has to sort out files on his computer. Moon-ho does message Hye-Ryung though, letting her know she needs to eat in order to fight back. This sees both Hye-Ryung and Sa-Hyun sitting together and sharing a meal. Meanwhile, Dong-Mi cooks up poison for Pi-Young, just like she did with her husband. However, Yu-Shin rings and distracts Pi-Young from drinking the poisoned liquid. She hurries off and picks him up, where they arrive at Gangnam Hotel for a romantic evening. In the morning, Yu-Shin does his rounds at hospital. Only, among those in attendance is A-Mi who was obviously brought in last episode. Yu-Shin has her moved to a vacant single room. Thanks to this, he ends up late again at work and bails on dinner. Meanwhile, Seo-Hyang collapses prompting Pi-Young to hurry into hospital to make sure she’s okay. Of course, the same hospital that Yu-Shin is already at and caring for A-Mi. Pi-Young wanders the hallways and notices Yu-Shin and A-Mi together, hugging in one of the VIP rooms. As she collapses to the ground, Yu-Shin notices his wife and hurries to help her. She passes out, prompting Yu-Shin to rush Pi-Young into a room next to her Mother. When she awakens, she immediately questions Yu-Shin over A-Mi.

The Episode Review

Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) returns with another tepid chapter, this time with some contrived drama thrown in to try and spice things up. The uncomfortable way Hye-Ryung is made out to be the big villain, along with the atrocious editing for the fake-out scene with Song Won, is a serious disappointment. This whole affair didn’t have the fireworks we were expecting, beyond Sa-Hyun receiving five slaps. Personally I think he should have received fifty but there we go. It’s really uncomfortable seeing Moon-Ho and Ye-Jun standing by Song Won’s side though and okay sure, she’s giving them a grandson but there’s no remorse or ill-will toward her. Meanwhile, Pi-Young looks close to uncovering the truth about A-Mi but I’d imagine Yu-Shin will weasel out of this again. Then you have Ki-Rim making his scheduled useless appearance while Dong-Mi continues to poison to try and win over Yu-Shin. In the end though, the show has too many characters and not enough panache in the writer’s room. There are a litany of other shows that manage to portray affairs and complicated relationships in a far more dramatic and engaging way than whatever the heck this show is trying to be. And that’s before mentioning the atrocious editing. The fact it’s now taken essentially 24 hours (if you include the first season) to reach this point for a lousy pay-off is testament to the poor writing and pacing. Let’s hope next week is an improvement but hey, don’t hold your breath given what we’ve seen thus far.