Baiting For Season 2

Episode 16 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) begins with Hae-Ryun and Ga-Bin discussing who they find attractive and their ideal partner. Hae-Ryun tells her that it’s simply someone he finds kind and happy. This brings Ga-Bin to the idea of happiness coming naturally. Hae-Ryun is conflicted, thinking over Shi-Eun’s injured wrists and how hard she works for him. Just like that though, Ga-Bin comes out and asks if he can stay the night and hold her. She then goes on to mention how there are only 2 reasons why people laugh – to hide something or finding something funny. There’s also a third reason too, and that comes from wasting hours watching this train-wreck unfold. Anyway, I digress. After that night, Ga-Bin decides to hand in her resignation and quit at the end of the semester. Shi-Eun begins to worry about her age, especially after being around the other girls from the radio station. Well, Seo Dan shows up to the group dinner and lavishes praise on the girls. The trio ask him outright if he’s dating, but it turns out he doesn’t see the point. Yu-Shin meets A-Mi and juggles seeing her with Pi-Young. At the same time, Dong-Mi dreams of killing her husband. When she awakens, Yu-Shin heads over with cosmetics for his Step Mum, savoring a kiss on the cheek that she gives him. After, he prepares to head off with A-Mi but learns that her Mother is in town, forcing her to cancel. This ultimately leads him to reschedule but spin the hotel reservation as a gift with Pi-Young instead. Meanwhile, Sa-Hyun rings Song Won and learns that she’s by the sea. Deciding to visit her personally, he heads up to the same hotel and waits for her outside. Sensing that he’s upset, the pair eat before walking up the beach together. There, Sa-Hyun decides he should break things off with Hye-Ryung. He’s determined to divorce her but Song Won encourages him not to. In fact, she tells him to head upstairs for a cup of tea first. There, Song-Won does her best to argue against him leaving Hye-Ryung. Sa-Hyun is adamant that this is the right thing to do though. However, in order to dissuade him she wants him to see the real her. That includes check notes undressing and sleeping with Sa-Hyun. Anyway, as romantic music kicks in, this suddenly cuts to Hye-Ryung on the drums, deciding too that she’s going to end the marriage. However, she receives a call from her Father. He’s been diagnosed with cancer. Well, that comes to a crushing blow in the morning when Sa-Hyun learns this news. However, he’s too preoccupied with Song Won, who’s decided to blank him completely and not message anymore. Hae-Ryun meets Ga-Bin again where she admits that she’s done with bad boys. She wants someone kind – and that someone is Hae-Ryun. He heads over to hers and sleeps with her – right on Hyang-Ki’s birthday. As the episode closes out, we cut to Jo Woong, a character we’ve spent very little time with, spooked by his ex returning. It turns out he has a daughter he never knew about… and that daughter is A-Mi! As the season closes, we cut to a montage followed by the words: “Please look forward to season 2, it will exceed your expectations.” I don’t know about you guys but that remains to be seen.

The Episode Review

Well that was a monumental waste of time. Having spent 16 hours+ on this draggy, underwhelming slice of life slog, Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) bows out with a promise that the next season will exceed expectations. Given how this has played out, that bar has been set so low that if it was any lower the Earth’s core would melt it. There’s just no storyline here at all. Everything has been dragged out to unbelievable lengths; the flashbacks have completely killed any momentum and the entire time you find yourself desperate to get back to the present timeline to see if anything is going to improve. The editing throughout has been terrible and this has now been accompanied by half the actors looking as fed up as we are at having to wait for something exciting to happen. Having said that though, this show has broken records for TVChosun in Korea so it’s definitely doing something right. From this evidence though, it seems like that’s more to do with sunk cost fallacy than anything else. Hopefully season 2 actually does something a bit more unique and interesting because this has easily been one of the worst K-dramas in recent memory. In fact, this may well go down as one of the worst TV shows this year.