Strike The Tent

Now this is more like it. After 6 episodes of contrived plot mechanics and poorly plotted drama, Le Casa De Papel comes roaring out the gates for a really solid penultimate episode. With plenty of action, tight editing and lots of exciting moments, the series finally starts to showcase some off what’s made this show so endearing over the years. In the aftermath of Nairobi’s death, episode 7 of season 4 for La Casa De Papel sees us cut to Madrid at 9.40am as the police close in on the bank. We learn from Gandia that both Nairobi and Tokyo are dead and as a barrage of bullets interfere Tamayo’s broadcast, he tries in vain to organize a rescue operation to save him from his fate. Although we don’t see his identity, we’re led to assume that Gandia survived the grenade blast last time out as the group head up to the rooftop, firing a barrage of bullets in his direction as the helicopter closes in. We then cut back 45 hours earlier to the moments just after Nairobi was killed. Gandia is clearly injured from the grenade, with shrapnel in his neck and back, subsequently passing out on the ground infront of a very-much-alive Tokyo. Palermo and the others find the panic room but the Professor receives the bad news about Nairobi. No longer feeling pain, the Professor sets out to get revenge and attack the police with no mercy. Stockholm heads downstairs with Denver and starts the operation to get the gold, and themselves, out of the bank. Benito phones through to the Professor and updates them on the massacre that the police are planning. With this new knowledge, and a plan to flush Gandia out, our superhuman antagonist awakens as the Professor’s plan begins. The police prepare to storm the bank but before they do, the governor’s personal guards bring out Nairobi’s body in a makeshift coffin, allowing everyone to mourn her passing. During this time, Cuando Suba La Marea by Amaral plays as everyone stands and watches. Afterward, the new soldiers at the Professor’s disposal plaster posters up around Madrid of Rio’s face, who we then hear from on a radio broadcast about the time he spent in his cell. This puts the police under pressure as they find themselves under fire from international authorities. On the back of this, Tamayo and Sierra decide to hold a press conference to try and save themselves and the operation. The Professor meets Benjamin and his group as they arrive to take part in a brand new school session. The Professor tells them the next stage of his plan and to ignore common sense. Meanwhile, the misunderstanding trope from earlier plays out as Denver speaks to Stockholm and tells her if she needs to be with Rio then she can go ahead. She downplays it though but he tells her he’ll listen, intent on trying to make more of an effort. In the main atrium, Arturo speaks to Amanda who questions him over the pills he gave her earlier in the season. He tells her not to accuse him but she goes on to admit Arturo raped her, helped in part to some mental flashes that prove as much. As the other hostages listen, they all begin to turn on Arturo. With Gandia in a bad way, Tokyo strikes a deal with him and asks to be released. He agrees but promises to blow her brains out if she misbehaves. Tokyo is freed and starts patching him up while Helsinki and the others break into the cell. As they do, Tokyo makes her move and knocks Gandia out by pushing the shrapnel in his neck down. At the same time, the press conference gets underway with The Colonel fronting the stage and lying through his teeth, Only, this is exactly what the Professor wants and he promises to show them just how smart their group really is. That intelligence comes from a Turkish citizen claiming to be hired by the Colonel himself. Unbeknownst to the reporters, he has guns pointed to him off-camera but he spills all the horrible truths on a live video broadcast shown across the world. With all this chaos starting to unravel, the Professor formulates his plan and hits another big bombshell as he plans to save Lisbon from her fate. The Professor hijacks the communications again and stands in the shadows, playing the recording of Raquel allegedly being shot. As he asks for an open investigation, the camera feed comes to an end. Palermo and the others save Tokyo from her fate and take Gandia away. At the same time, Internal Affairs arrive and request to speak to Lisbon. As she’s taken outside, all the people see her and begin marching up toward the convoy, now aware that she’s alive. In the commotion, numerous people surround her and hug her tightly as the Colonel is taken away in a police car. With the balance of power now switched and the Professor back in the driving seat again, the show finally feels more like the La Casa of old. Too often this season the Professor has acted like a headless chicken and this has subsequently caused all manner of issues to manifest inside the bank. With the grenade blast shattering the plot armour Gandia has been wearing much of the season, the cat and mouse game of old is finally starting to come back into the fold now. Let’s hope the season can end on a similar high note as this is certainly an improvement over what we’e seen so far this year.