Conflicted Feelings In The Villa

Episode 23 of Homemade Love Story starts in the hospital with Min-Jae asking Jung-Woo again if he really has got his memory back. Getting impatient, he repeats his name again just as Jae-Hee comes into the room. Unfortunately Jung-Hoo starts acting like his old self which makes Jae-Hee a little sad, especially when he doesn’t remember living in the villa. As we cut back to the villa itself, Chae-Woon hugs her mother and tells her she is there to give her dictionary back. Soon-Jung wanted her to have it and asks if she is the one that took the chairwoman’s call. She replies that she did but  doesn’t want her to take the fall for what happened. She wants to go and say hello to her siblings but Soon-Jung advises against it. Hwak-Se and Man-Jung walk home and run into Chae-Woon walking away from the villa. Man-Jung sends Hwak-Se ahead so she can speak to her niece in private. Man-Jung tells her she understands why she left but also knows that there is more to it. Chae-Woon tries to find out from her aunt if she knows anything about the day she was taken by Soon-Jung. Unfortunately, Man-Jung was away studying. The two then hug and Man-Jung makes her promise to come to her if she needs help. After finding out about James leaving the villa, Chae-Woon calls Jae-Hee to get some news. The latter reveals that he has regained his memories while Soon-Jung looks at her dictionary and the flower petals. She remembers what Jung-Hoo told her about them making wishes come true. She realizes that he got the name James from a James Dean movie they went together. While out walking, Jun-A is shocked when he crosses path with his sister. She is not happy that he didn’t call so he explains that if their mum found out, she would have wanted him to work with her. She then fills him in on the latest news and starts crying again. Chae-Woon decides to visit Jae-Hee at hospital to make sure he is okay. He explains that he only just realised he became close to his father and how he misses his roommate “James”. Chae-Woon tries her best to comfort him while Seo-A promises her mother to make more of an effort around Seo-A. Jae-Hee learns from Soon-Jung that Na-Ro is back home, which worries him. While he is asleep, Jung-Hoo starts remembering everything that happened over the last few weeks. In the villa, Soon-Jung insists on giving him some dinner. When Chae-Woon returns home, she finds Jung-Won waiting for her. She tells her daughter that she knows that it must be difficult but she would like her to make an effort to let her in, as she feels they were closer before the truth came out. Chae-Woon smiles and promises to do just that. The next morning in the villa, Ra-Hoon is surprised to see Ba-Reun. She explains that his mother is letting her stay with Man-Jung, which makes him very happy. At breakfast, everyone is shocked to find out that James was Jae-Hee’s father. Hwak-Se and Man-Jung are still happy but hiding their relationship. As he heads into work, Na-Ro is followed by Pil-Hong who confronts him for lying about being Chae-Woon’s boyfriend. Na-Ro brushes him off and tells him he now has a new target. After he walks away, Pil-Hong quickly guesses that it must be Seo-A. On her way to work, Chae-Woon receives a text from Jae-Hee wishing her good luck. She accidently texts him she loves him but regrets it as she feels she shouldn’t have said it first. Jae-Hee realizes it was an accident but does tell her he feels the same way. In hospital, Jung-Hoo starts acting like James for a minute then quickly changes, which intrigues his son. Chae-Woon runs into Na-Ro next and is not too happy to see he hasn’t left. He tells her that he is happy in the villa and wants to stay. She then asks him to not let the residents down like the way he did with her and Jae-Hee. Ms Kim visits Jung-Hoo in hospital and finds Min-Jae in his room. Min-Jae catches her friend up on what happened with Jung-Hoo then Ms Kim reveals the truth about Chae-Woon. Min-Jae is shocked and the two try to understand what happened exactly. In LX fashion, Seo-A and Na-Ro carry on plotting to bring Chae-Woon down. Na-Ro suggests giving her more responsibility, which will make it easier to knock her down if she is in the spotlight. Seo-A heads into the office and decides to make her in charge of a very big and important project by herself. The rest of the team later discuss Chae-Woon and wonder why both the CEO and director are helping her so much while Jung-Hoo returns home and starts acting like his old self to his son and Min-Jae. He pretends he still doesn’t remember the villa and sends them away. The episode ends with the chairwoman arriving at the villa while Jung-Hoo starts to have a panic attack when he realizes how lonely he is and how he used to feel in the villa.

The Episode Review

Jung-Hoo’s character has become one of the most interesting and complex ones and who would have thought that when we first started the series! Now that he has his memories back, we can see how torn he feels between his past and his life in the villa. He clearly misses the residents and I really hope he will return there very soon. Jong Bo-Suk has been giving some great performances too, especially in this episode. Seeing the past for the parents has also really helped with their development and enabled the audience to understand more around how they got to where they are now. Min-Jae has certainly come a long way and while she used to act very spoilt, she didn’t deserve to be treated badly. I am interested to see what will happen to her as we get to the second part of the series. Seo-A and Na-Ro teaming up to take Chae-Woon down spells big trouble and I am hoping they will get their comeuppance very soon. For now though, the series carries on with its fun and melodramatic story-telling!

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