The Wedding

Episode 43 of Homemade Love Story starts with the wedding of Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee. Everyone is attending, even the chairwoman, Seo-A and Na-Ro. Soon-Jung gets very emotional when she sees her daughter looking stunning in her dress while we see that Pil-Hong is also there, watching from afar. The bride and groom make their entrance and after a small montage of their story so far, the two thank their parents. Hwak-Se then takes the stage with Ba-Reun, Ra-Hoon and Hae-Deun and starts singing his song. Poor Pil-Hong is watching from the back of the room, crying as he feels bad for everything Chae-Woon went through. It is time for the group picture. Chae-Woon throws her bouquet and Man-Jung who catches it. We then see Pil-Hong sneaking and standing at the back of the group as the photo gets taken. Afterwards, the residents head back to the villa, elated by this wonderful day. They laugh and joke around but Soon-Jung seems a little sad as she realizes that Chae-Woon has finally left her. Ra-Hoon and Hae-Deun come to reassure their mum and promise to be there for her. Meanwhile, Jung-Hoo takes Min-Jae home. They are both happy too and discuss how the day went. Min-Jae then gives Jung-Hoo a recipe book she made for him as she suggests that he practice making breakfast for the new couple. Jung-Hoo is a bit reluctant at first but agrees to it. Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee have a great honeymoon at the beach and talk about the first day they met. In the evening, they call Min-Jae. She apologizes to Chae-Woon about what she said regarding Pil-Hong but Chae-Woon reassures her that she is fine. Later on, Jae-Hee tells Chae-Woon that his father’s business team has made a request that he heads a project team for a year. He is not sure he should take it but Chae-Woon thinks it would be a good thing for his relationship with his father. The two then promise to be always good to each other. The next day, Na-Ro and Seo-A are being questioned by the police. Na-Ro insists that Seo-A had no intention of sabotaging Jae-Hee’s deal. As he heads out, he does his best to reassure Seo-A before she heads in for her interview. In the villa, everyone is busy preparing a big meal. Jung-Won arrives with presents as the newly-wed couple is about to come home. Hae-Deun and Jung-Won then head to the lounge to peal garlic but things are a little awkward between the two. Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee arrive home soon after and everyone is excited to see them. They then bow to Soon-Jung and Jung-Won who wish them both well and give them words of wisdom. Al the residents then sit and toast the newly-wed couple. The couple then head to see Min-Jae and Jung-Hoo next who also have some advice for them. Min-Jae tells Chae-Woon to not hesitate to make complaints if it gets tough living with her father-in-law but tells Jae-Hee he is not allowed to. They then take them to their room and see that Jun-Hoo has decorated it with balloons and ‘just married’ signs. Jung-Hoo then says goodbye to Min-Jae but unfortunately there is still tension between the two. Min-Jae arrives home and wonders why Jung-Hoo looks lonely. She understands it though as she feels lonely too. The next morning, Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee are surprised to find Jung-Hoo making breakfast for them. They tell him they want to make it from now on so they all agree on a schedule to take turn. Jung-Hoo later organizes a big lunch for all the cleaning staff of his company and has food from Hwak-Se’s restaurant delivered. The chairwoman leaves the police station after being interviewed but the stress is too much for her and she collapses. Chae-Woon soon learns the news and rushes over to the hospital. She runs into Seo-A who asks her if she is happy that this has happened. Chae-Woon is of course shocked by this question and heads inside to see her mother and grandmother. Jung-Won tells her she has fallen asleep but feels that it is her fault. Chae-Woon reassures and comforts her. As they leave the hospital, Na-Ro tells Seo-A they need to go apologize to Jae-Hee. The three meet and Na-Ro quickly apologies and promises that everyone involved will be compensated. Jae-Hee thinks it is a little too easy as they have still committed a crime. Seo-A then tells him she didn’t realize that this would spiral out of control and apologies. Jae-Hee has trouble trusting what Na-Ro is saying so Seo-A begs him to as she loves him. In LX fashion, Ra-Hoon waits for Ba-Reun to finish work but ends up leaving when he realizes that it will take longer than planned. He is still feeling torn and sad about going to the army but is still not telling her. An angry Seo-A returns to work and realizes that people are talking about her police interview. In her office, she sees that Jun-A and the design team have decided to use Hae-Deun as a model as she looks at the project they left on her desk. Seo-A then rushes over to see Jun-A and Hae-Deun to tell them she is not happy with their final shot. She accuses him of hiring under-qualified staff and if it was up to her, she wouldn’t have hired her. Hae-Deun doesn’t take it though so Seo-A rips the project and tells them to start it from scratch. Hae-Deun confronts and calls her cruel. Seo-A gets even angrier and orders her brother to fire her. Jun-A stops them, apologies to his sister but refuses to fire Hae-Deun. After this, Seo-A storms out and runs into Chae-Woon. She tells her she wants her sister gone and that they are just both the same. Chae-Woon asks her what happened and explains that she knows about the police. She tries to calm her down and offers her help. Seo-A is of course not interested and walks away. Later in the day, Jae-Hee and Pil-Hong meet for coffee. Jae-Hee offers to give him a job as he wants to look out for him. Pil-Hong thanks him but he has actually found something else that he wants to do. He then gives him a wedding gift, a teddy he made himself and it looks like the bigger version of the one Chae-Woon has. In the evening, Jun-A apologizes to Hae-Deun for not taking her side. He explains that Seo-A has been questioned by the police as she decides to go there herself. He has always felt bad for her as she has always been unstable as a child. Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee decide to go home with Jung-Hoo but as he hasn’t finished work yet, they decide to head to the villa. As they reach it, they are shocked to find Hae-Deun and jun-A hugging. The two then try to make a run for it as the episode ends.

The Episode Review

Thankfully, the wedding was a success for our main couple and even Seo-A managed not to say anything. It was great to see all the residents looking so smart and what an emotional moment it was for them. Hwak-Se even performed his song, which was a lot of fun. I must admit that the song is quite catchy and I’ve been listening to it a few times. I loved seeing all the Korean traditions and again how respectful they are to their parents and elders. Sadly though, Pil-Hong had to watch from the shadows but at least, he managed to be in the picture. I do wonder what he is planning to do next and if he will manage to get closer to Chae-Woon. Despite finally making a positive step at the police station, Seo-A is still causing havoc as she got her claws into Hae-Deun. Her jealousy got the better of her again but I am glad Hae-Deun stood up to her. Again, Jun-A should stop coddling her just like her mother. We have only got a few episodes left for this family drama and what a journey we had so far! There has been plenty of drama, tears and laughter too. I do wonder if there will be a time jump towards the end, especially with Ra-Hoon’s upcoming leave to the army. For now though, Homemade Love Story delivers another enjoyable episode.

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