Poignant Shards Of Drama

Episode 13 of Hello, Me! begins back at Ha-Ni’s apartment as her Mother shows up and sees Ha-Ni and Scarlett together. As she grabs Scarlett’s wrist, she suddenly blurts out that she’s Ha-Ni. Ok-Jung is shocked but she’s certainly not surprised, especially when she looks deep in Scarlett’s eyes and sees that this is her Ha-Ni. The two hug, in a really touching moment as our Ha-Ni watches with a knowing smile on her face. However, they all decide to keep their Father’s death a secret from Scarlett for the time being. Meanwhile, Yu-Hyeon heads to the hospital where Chairman Han awakens. Only, he can’t see anything. Do-Yun is there to greet him, eventually heading out to speak to Yu-Hyeon in the hallway. He admits that Ji-Sook is off doing damage control in the wake of the company scandal. Of course, her whole motive is taking over the company – and that comes from her taking over management temporarily due to Ji-Man’s poor health. Anthony’s career is on the up as he bags an interview and a spot for a mobile phone ad. To celebrate, he heads over to Ha-Ni’s place with some premium beef and a nice meal for them all to celebrate with. He even has a gift for them both too – which includes a full course meal out eating Western food. While there, they snap photos together and have a good time. Midway through their meal, Ha-Ni catches wind of the baby food issue online and realizes Joa Confectionary is coming under fire. Ha-Ni immediately heads out and sees Yu-Hyeon, asking how the Chairman is and thanking him for being such a big help. Thankfully, the investigation comes back to show unsubstantiated claims of plagiarism. It turns out Ji-Eun never followed through with sabotaging Ha-Ni after all. Company-wise though, Joa Confectionery is facing a lot of issues. The stock prise plummets, people are boycotting the products and the warehouse manager is trying to outsmart Ji-Sook. In fact, he meets with her and decides to blackmail Ji-Sook. He plays the recording, confirming that he’s now got the upper-hand. Chairman Han returns home from hospital, completely blind. He tells Do-Yun to keep this a secret though, deciding to tell Yu-Hyeon himself when he’s ready. Meanwhile, Ha-Ni speaks to Ji-Eun and hands her some warm tea, asking if everything is okay. In fact, Ha-Ni winds up giving Ji-Eun some sound advice about her issues (without actually naming names) and convinces her to confront Ji-Sook. Ji-Eun does just that, confronting Ji-Sook and telling her she thinks she should stop before she ruins her reputation. Ji-Sook hits back though and tells her she’s never been family. Her child however, will be. This immediately causes Ji-Eun to start crying, as Do-Yun shows up and sees his wife upset. Privately, he tells his Mother to stop dragging Ji-Eun into this and hurries off. Out in the street, Ha-Ni saves her younger self from certain doom. All of this stems from Anthony allowing her to go out, which of course is a sign that Scarlett is still being chased by death. On the back of this, Ha-Ni tells Anthony not to see Scarlett anymore. When Anthony leaves, Ha-Ni reveals what’s happening to Scarlett and warns that she may well be dying soon. She’s shocked, as tears fall down her frightened face. Ha-Ni promises to protect her younger self though, as she embraces her. Meanwhile, Yu-Hyeon finds Seung-Seok’s grandmother writhing in pain and takes her to the hospital. While she’s sleeping, he feeds this back to Seung-Seok, who thanks him for helping. He apologizes for what happened in the past – especially the plagiarism issue – as he admits that Ji-Sook is the ringleader in all this. He also finds out Ji-Eun’s had a hand in this as well. Yu-Hyeon meets up with Ji-Eun and reassures her, telling the girl that she’s a good person and he understands what a difficult position she must have been in. At the same time, Do-Yun decides to blackmail the factory manager into submission, with incriminating pictures of him. Do-Yun feeds his small win back to Ji-Sook, who in turn asks him to try and convince Yu-Hyeon into giving up his shares. As they argue over this, Do-Yun mentions how Chairman Han has gone blind… unbeknownst to him that Yu-Hyeon happens to be listening on the other side of the door. When he finds out he’s shocked, struggling to hold back tears. Yu-Hyeon shows up at Ha-Ni’s apartment and heads in for a drink with her. He admits he doesn’t mind waiting and asks what she thinks of him. He admits he never meant to deceive her and walks away. When he does, Ha-Ni messages repeatedly and asks if he’s oaky but Yu-Hyeon doesn’t respond. Instead, Yu-Hyeon heads over to see his Father, where he watches with a broken heart as Do-Yun helps him into a wheelchair. Meanwhile at the office, things immediately take a turn for the worst when a hit list is uploaded to the company intranet. There’s a whole bunch of people being laid off, and that includes culinary staff and those hired in the last year. That means Ha-Ni has now been made redundant.

The Episode Review

Hello Me returns with a poignant episode this week, one that sees Yu-Hyeon learn the truth about his Father’s blindness. It’s a shocking moment, especially given he’s learnt about it through hearsay rather than Chairman Han telling him himself. However, it does seem like Yu-Hyeon is about to patch things up with his Father so we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out. Meanwhile, the truth is finally revealed about Ha-Ni and Scarlett too, with the family now onboard with the fact this is a younger Ha-Ni rather than her daughter. With all of this out in the open, the very real problem with death chasing after Scarlett continues to serve as a black cloud hanging over her fate in this present-day timeline. Although the show never loses sight of its humour, these later episodes have definitely switched things up more and focused on the poignant melodrama instead. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but those expecting a more lighthearted, fluffy affair right the way through may be a little disappointed. However, Hello Me has been well written for the most part, with the ending leaving things open for tomorrow’s follow-up.