The Four Horsemen

After the last episode where we saw more of the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale, Good Omens returns to show the two horsemen preparing to ride. Aziraphale pleads with Gabriel to discuss matters with God while Atlantis rises from the ocean depths. However, Angel Michael uses the back channels to investigate Aziraphale further, given his links with Crowley. Armed with photos in hand, Michael rushes off to find out more. With Pestilence retired from horsemen duties, the third horseman, Pollution, takes over and joins Death as they ride out to join the other two horsemen. With the apocalypse in full swing, the Demons prepare for Armageddon in the depths of Hell, awaiting the arrival of Warlock. Of course,as we know he happens to be the wrong Antichrist, with the real one, Adam, continuing to conjure up his heart’s desires courtesy of the voices in his head. “Make it happen, make it so” They murmur, as Adam flexes the reach of his powers, saving the whales by unleashing the Kraken which hungrily devours ships at sea. Finally realizing he’s been duped by Crowley, Hastur and Ligur arrive at his apartment, looking for the demon and ready to unleash vengeance. Tricked by a bucket of holy water, Ligur is burnt alive, leaving Hastur slightly hesitant to come closer to Crowley. After a brief stare-down (and a history lesson into the physic-bending properties of Demons), Hastur follows Crowley into cyberspace before our demon escapes and traps the Duke Of Hell within. Meanwhile, back at Tadfield Anathema attempts to maintain control of the situation while Adam conjures up a tornado and the whole town begins to succumb to Adam’s rule. With things looking bleak, Aziraphale demands to speak to God, managing to get through to the Metatron – the spokesperson for God. He tells him they want to win, not avoid, the war on Earth and proceeds to tell him a multi-nation nuclear war will be the end of civilization. Before he can protest, Shadwell appears, confusing him for a demon. Crowley falls into the circle and winds up ascending to Heaven before a candle tips and burns the bookstore to the ground, including the book of Prophecies. With Adam’s reign in full swing, Good Omens increases the tension and urgency, with much more screen time for the supporting characters and fleshing out the grand plan. It works well too, with a lot of the biblical elements starting to come into play and a nice modern twist on the four horsemen. Of course, the usual Terry Pratchett humour continues to be on-point here, helping Good Omens to continue to deliver thoroughly enjoyable episodes.