The Story

Nanno is back in season 2, ready to enact revenge on all those who need it. Our mysterious girl heads to various different schools once more, setting her sights on a womanizer, a hazing senior, rich students and more. However, Nanno soon meets Yuri and the girl becomes her protégé, joining Nanno on her revenge missions. Only, Yuri’s methods don’t quite align with Nanno’s way of thinking. There’s a lot of drama this season and everything leads nicely to a deliciously ambiguous finale. So what the heck happened? Well, we break down everything you need to know!

Who is Yuri?

We meet Yuri in episode 4 during a stand-alone chapter focusing on her struggles. She allowed herself to be turned into a servant for two rich girls in exchange for money. Nanno saw something in this girl and helped her gain revenge over her classmates. Nanno also granted her the ability to come back from death, taking Yuri under her wing as a protégé to learn the ropes and understand how this revenge-giving works. However, Yuri’s impatience sees her lust for blood. She forces Nanno’s hand on numerous occasions and has a much more driven view than her teacher.

Is there more than one Nanno?

Episode 6 seems to hint that there’s more than one Nanno operating out there. This would explain her surviving these different deaths, how Nanno comes back to life and how she’s arriving at all these different schools. It could also explain the trademark maniacal laugh too. During a shot of Nanno’s “rebirth” from being impaled on a pole, three Nanno clones are standing in a row. They help defeat the Principal but after, when Yuri is tied up, Nanno claims that there’s “so many of us here.” This could well be further evidence to support this theory.

How Does Girl From Nowhere Season 2 end?

The final fight between Junko and her Mother ends in misery. Waan has her throat slit and bleeds out while Nanno is stabbed multiple times in the gut. Yuri stands and laughs manically while all this takes place. Tears well up in Nanno’s eyes as blood splashes over white flowers. Through all this pain and bloodshed, Yuri cuts her hand and runs a bloodied finger over Junko’s mouth. The girl licks her lips as it seems this duo are being groomed to become the new revenge power couple. As they walk away from one another, the camera pans up to a balcony with Nanno sitting and watching this unfold. It’s here she reflects back and asks outright whether she’s really necessary any more.

Nanno and Yuri’s powers

While we’re not explicitly told this, it seems Nanno’s real power comes from her blood. In episode 4, Yuri was drowned in the bloodied bathwater that Nanno was lying unconscious in. At the end of the episode, Nanno walked away but the blood left over seemed to collect up toward Yuri’s nose. This is around the time her eyes suddenly opened and the screen faded to black. But what are the stipulations to become a judgmental revenge being like these two? It seems killing is one of the prerequisites, which would explain Yuri ritualistically putting blood over Junko’s lips at the end.

Is Junko now one of the revenge girls?

If blood and killing really are the ingredients to become one to judge others, it wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility to see Junko join Nanno and Yuri. The way the camera zoomed in on Junko licking her bloodied lips seems to hint that this is where the show is going. The last shot we see of the pair shows Junko and Yuri walking away in opposite directions. Are they really parting ways or are they exacting more revenge?

What happened to Nanno? 

By the end of the season, Nanno starts to humanize and empathize with her victims a lot more. She’s moved by this Mother/daughter relationship on more than one occasion. In episode 4 she sees Yuri and her Mother, freezing in the process. This is ultimately a lovely bit of foreshadowing as we see this is Nanno’s downfall in the finale. Nanno’s death comes at the hands of Waan, who stabs her numerous times in a blind fit of rage. The final shot of Nanno showed her bleeding from the eyes and with a slight smile on her face. One would assume Nanno is dead. Only, we also see her on the balcony at the end, overlooking everything. This may well be a nod back to episode 6 where it’s shown that there’s more than one Nanno; there are multiple versions out there and the one Waan killed is simply just one of the clones.

Is Nanno really dead?

Alternatively, you could view this same sequence of events as a sort of view from above in the afterlife. Talk of Nanno becoming mortal after her icy façade shattered a few episodes back could be the clue, with Nanno’s emotional investment in her cases seeing her no longer “worthy.” Her death could be finite and the final shot of Nanno on the balcony simply an apparition of what’s come before. Quite tellingly, Nanno did tell Yuri earlier this season that impatience will be her downfall. This could well be a nod toward a season 3 revival and retribution on Nanno’s part. The ending is certainly open to interpretation, but either way the prospect of a third season certainly wouldn’t go amiss! Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! What did you think of Girl From Nowhere season 2’s ending? Do you think Nanno is really dead? Do you think there be a follow-up season? Let us know in the comments below!

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