
Episode 6 of From Scratch begins with a time jump to the fall of 2006, eighteen months after Lino started his clinical trial. He and Amy are in their garden, Amy asks him to call his father and ask if they should plant the cabbage next to the sage. He calls his dad and they chat about the garden, his dad asks when his next doctor’s appointment is. He hopes Lino will receive good news and a clean bill of health. It seems Giacomo’s prayers are answered when Lino’s doctor informs him that the cancer is gone and he has been given a second chance in life. He will still need to come to the hospital for a check-up every three months or so but he is all good to go. The couple is ecstatic to hear this and is excited to move on from this ordeal. They celebrate the miracle with Amy’s family and friends and Lino later calls his parents to tell them the wonderful news. Unfortunately, his mom informs him of his dad’s passing but she is happy he is healthy now. The couple decides that they have wasted enough time and they feel ready to be parents. Amy goes to a gynaecologist but she tells her the safest way for them to get pregnant is through IVF. Amy doesn’t like the idea of going through IVF so she and Lino decide they should adopt. They visit an adoption agency but they are worried that they might never have a kid. Fast forward to the spring of 2007 and Zora and Ken are tying the knot. On her wedding day, Zora gives Amy a bridesmaid gift and Amy is sad that everyone has been getting her baby-related gifts even though they don’t have a child yet. Zora asks her not to give up, she wants Amy to be able to complete her family as she wishes. A few minutes before the ceremony, Lino gets a call from the agency asking them to come to the hospital right away to meet their daughter. Zora is happy for them and says it is okay for them to leave. They get to the hospital and the birth mother asks to meet them first before signing away her rights. She likes who they are and hopes they can love the baby and be there for her as they have been for each other. She tells them that was the main reason why she chose them. Amy and Lino take little Idalia home and everyone in the family is happy to welcome a new member. The couple adjusts nicely to being parents and Amy decides to get back to work so that she can support the family when Lino stays at home with Idalia. Another time jump in the episode brings us to the fall of 2011 and Idalia is now in preschool. She and Lino have grown close and she feels like a bad mom as work keeps her from being at home full-time. She confides to Zora that she feels jealous of the relationship Idalia has with her dad. She wants to be there too. She shares this with Lino and he offers to start cooking lessons to help alleviate their financial burden off Amy. This will allow Amy some free time to spend with Idalia and also work on her art. Throughout the years, the recurrence of cancer has been hanging over their heads. Every time Lino went for his check-up, they worried about what the results might be. This time Lino notices that something might be wrong so he schedules the check-up earlier than usual. After the check-up, he takes Amy on a date . Later that night, he tells her about his visit to the doctor.

The Episode Review

I was hoping that Lino will be able to put cancer behind him and live his dreams, unfortunately I doubt that is how this story ends. It is not lost on us that now that they are parents, and the stakes are higher than before. Lino is an amazing father to adorable Idalia and it hurts that he might not get to spend more time with her.

From Scratch   Season 1 Episode 6  Heirlooms  Recap   Review - 74