The Final Song

Does Joon-Cheol kill Ra-El?

Episode 16 of Eve starts this finale with all roads leading to the summer vacation home. Ra-El awakens with a start, realizing something bad is going to happen. She’s been having a recurring nightmare that Yoon-Kyum is going to die. After all this time, Ra-El admits she just wants to live peacefully and let go of the hatred in her heart. Outside, Joon-Cheol gobbles down some pills and staggers up to the house. There, he notices Ra-El and Yoon-Kyum standing together. They haven’t seen him though, as he incredulously rings So-Ra to tell her what’s happening. She, in turn, rings Yoon-kyum with Da-Bi crying, following it up with another call, fabricating that Da-Bi has gone missing. In reality, she’s in bed. With Yoon-Kyum out the house, Joon-Cheol stalks Ra-El. He chokes her out, rasping for her to die. Thankfully, Yoon-Kyum jumps in and smacks him in the head with a sledgehammer. Choking him out, Joon-Cheol is killed. So-Ra is unaware of this and frantically rings, trying to get through to them.

What does Eun-Pyeong decide to do?

Yoon-kyum makes a bold decision and chooses to take the full blame for what’s happened, wanting Ra-El to be cleared of charges. As she tries to stand up, Ra-El ends up dizzy and passes out. It turns out Yoon-Kyum actually drugged her so there wouldn’t be any resistance to what he intends to do. Eun-Peong races up in the morning and looks over Joon-Cheol’s dead body. He decides they should try and fight for self-defence, given he came into their house while wrestling. I’m not sure if that’ll fly, given the massive blow to the back of the head, but Eun-Pyeong is determined to follow through with this. If that wasn’t enough, So-Ra receives a call from her lawyer, who confirms that divorce proceedings have gone through and she needs to give up her assets and custody of Da-Bi. It’s the final straw for So-Ra, who goes full-on Harley Quinn and is pushed over the edge.

How does So-Ra get her revenge?

In fact, she kidnaps Ra-El and takes off. Yoon-kyum comes bounding out and follows, demanding she pull over. This distracts her long enough for Ra-El to grab hold of her nemesis and choke her out. So-Ra crashes the car, then stabs Ra-El with her letter opener. Enraged, So-Ra looks set to fly off the deep end, until Yoon-kyum sits with her and apologizes. Tear stinging his eyes, he drives the car right off the edge of the road to their doom. As Ra-El was previously taken out unharmed, she watches on in horror.

Who dies in episode 16?

A news report then follows, confirming to us that one of the passengers is critically injured while the other has passed away…but who survived? Well, it’s So-Ra. Yoon-Kyum passed away at the wheel. We then cut forward 3 days later, where we see that Yoon-Kyum has left behind some mementos for Ra-El, along with a right mess for LY Group to deal with. Not only do they need to reimburse for Gediks shares, LY has been turned into a shell of the company it once was. Our corrupt secretary decides to visit So-Ra one more time before turning himself in, taking full responsibility for everything that’s happened.

What happens to So-Ra? Can she remember anything?

So-Ra however, can’t remember any of this. She’s in psychiatric care, while Chairman Han is still locked up in the basement, slowly dying of thirst. As for So-Ra, she can’t even remember who Ra-El is. She shows off her face and tells her about Yoon-Kyum and how she killed him. In court, everything is revealed, including Chairman Han’s greed, the murders and the corruption that hve seeped into the dark recesses of this dingy company. After compensating the victims, and with Han Pan-Ro dead (he died of thirst and hunger in the basement cell), LY are now going to become a non-profit foundation that will help other corporate victims.

How does Eve end?

Ra-El decides to leave the country with a one-way trip to Tango country – Argentine. She may return one day but for now, she believes this is the right thing to do. At the same time, Eun-Pyeong eats alone. As he does, Eun-Pyeong reminisces on their last meal together. However, Eun-Pyeong has handed in his resignation letter and decided to fly out and visit Ra-El in Argentina. As the episode closes out, Ra-El reflects on her life and what could have happened if she and Yoon-Kyum met randomly. And as such, the show ends.

The Episode Review

Well, out of all the K-dramas released this year, that was certainly one of them. What started with such promise has soon petered out into mediocrity, which is a real shame. The romance between Ra-El and Yoon-kyum have had a distinct lack of chemistry, the strange forced crush from Eun-Pyeong toward Ra-El really didn’t work and Ra-El’s ex-husband and child just completely vanished in these last 3 or 4 episodes. Eve definitely had some potential to be a gripping and engrossing revenge thriller but in the end, the show has struggled to clasp hold of what made it so enticing to begin with. The endings for the antagonists was pretty unsatisfying, with Yoon-kyum killed off-screen, So-Ra psychotic and Han dying of thirst. While the actual conclusion – turning LY Group into a non-profit to help victims – has a poetic edge to it, the characters themselves just don’t have that strong of an ending. There are definitely highlights though and So-Ra has absolutely carried this show from start to finish. She deserves all the plaudits for this one as she’s been fantastic. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the rest of the show. Either way, Eve does at least wrap up all the big plot points, leaving no doubt over the way these characters finish their journeys.