
Episode 7 of Emily In Paris begins with Sylvie heading off on a work trip. As she does, Emily puts herself forward to look after the American actress Brooklyn Clark at an upcoming event. With Sylvie handing over the reigns and declaring Brooklyn is “her problem” now, Julien and Luc give their two-cents about Americanized shows where the hero wins at the end. Heading to the hotel, Emily gets a taste of Brooklyn’s eccentricity first-hand. The young girl strips down and ushers Emily out the room for some alone time. This brings Emily out for dinner with Mindy and Camille. Gabriel shows up too and reveals that he’s selling the restaurant. He can’t afford to sustain it any more but doesn’t want to take Camille’s money either. There’s obvious cracks starting to appear in their relationship but she tasks Emily with looking after Gabriel at the party they’re both attending alone later in the evening. With limited time to boost Brooklyn’s social media profile, Emily convinces Brooklyn to wear Pierre’s outfits. Midway through the party, Antione and his wife show up and Emily immediately suspects issues with Sylvie are afoot. She brushes off these concerns though and focuses on her next problem – Brooklyn’s unbridled affection toward Gabriel. Emily signs a disclaimer for a gold watch Brooklyn is wearing and is told to make sure it’s safe no matter what. Issues continue to bubble up though as Antoine’s secret trip away with Sylvie is uncovered by Charlotte. She believes Antoine is taking her away on a romantic weekend and this causes Sylvie to bolt. Emily follows of course but her boss doesn’t want any sympathy. Neither does Brooklyn from the looks of it either, as she races off in her car while ignoring Emily’s pleas to stop. Thanks to Gabriel’s fluent French (because clearly Emily’s given up with the French lessons now), they learn where she’s going. They head up to find Brooklyn but not before Gabriel and Emily share another cheeky kiss. Unfortunately Emily’s issues come to a head as Brooklyn disappears from view and Emily is forced to try and find her. Gabriel rides his moped through Paris and eventually – with a little help from Sylvie – find Brooklyn in her room. They also bring back the watch safe and sound too before any harm can be done. Emily speaks to Sylvie in the elevator on the way down from the apartment. They talk about romance and happiness, specifically getting her thinking about what’s happening with Gabriel. She confronts her love interest and tells him she she wants all of him or nothing at all. As she walks away, empowered, it leaves Gabriel a lot to think about.

The Episode Review

Once again the pattern of episodic problems resolved and wrapped up with a neat bow continue. There’s no repercussions for any of Emily’s actions thus far – especially after two kisses from Gabriel – and her social media profile allows Emily a “get out of jail free” card. This is only made more ironic by the early parts of this episode talking about struggle and the hero’s journey. Still, despite all the flaws there’s something inherently charming about Emily In Paris that keeps you watching to find out what happens next. The show certainly has a nice tone and the visuals are great too. I just hope this one can pick it up and ascend back to the heights of those early episodes.