A Fun And Simplistic Remake

De Blob 2 is a remake of a PS3 3D platformer of the same name and although some of the problems from that game creep into this remake, there’s still an enjoyable, colourful game here that’s aged incredibly well. De Blob 2’s simplistic gameplay mechanics and vibrant world make this an easy game to pick up and play with just the right amount of puzzle solving thrown in to break up the heavy platforming sections. Although some might be put off by the repetitive mission structure in each level, De Blob 2 is a fun platform game that does enough to differentiate itself from the plethora of other platformers out there whilst keeping the inherent charm of the original intact for this sequel. Colouring in the world bit by bit is incredibly rewarding Split across a dozen or so levels, the story is broken up into a number of distinctly different worlds that see Comrade Black and the Inkies from the first game return with a whole new plot to rid the world of colour. As a plucky ball of charismatic colour, Blob, you set out with a myriad of different colours to bring life back into the dull, grey world Comrade Black has taken over. The story is pretty generic and straight forward in the manner it’s told, with a good burst of slapstick humour in the cut scenes between levels to help steer this toward a younger market and keep a lighthearted feel to the whole affair. Adults can of course still enjoy this title but the simplistic gameplay and repetitive mission structure do lend itself to a younger clientele. If you played the original De Blob 2 back on Playstation 3 there isn’t much incentive to replay this one again as the new improvements aren’t really that impressive. The 2 player co-op mode is fun but pretty basic and lacks lasting appeal to make this a sustainable game mode. A second player can jump into the story mode but they’re reduced to a hard-to-see dot on the screen that whizzes around allowing a co-op partner to blast enemies and paint surfaces but not much else. The new moves at Blob’s disposal are fun to use and coupled with the host of power ups available, there is some attempt to shake up the gameplay but there isn’t really anything all that different from the original PS3 game. The 2D areas are just as well designed as the 3D ones Seven years on and traversing the world is responsive and enjoyable with decent mechanics for the most part but the frustrating camera and awkward targeting is still very much a thing here. In large swarms of enemies requiring specific colours or actions to destroy or difficult platforming sections requiring exact precision, it can be difficult to swing the camera in the right direction or target a specific enemy, leading to unnecessary hassle during these moments. Visually, the game looks great and bringing colour back into a largely dull game world is incredibly rewarding. Colouring the world in completely and exploring all the hidden areas and hard to reach platform sections is rewarded with a host of collectables including style icons, upgrade points and bonus picture gallery unlocks and more. With a strict time limit on most levels, the game does inject a sense of urgency into the levels, hurrying you along to the next objective with little time to fully explore each section which is a shame. Of course, there is the ability to unlock more time but the time taken to unlock these almost feels pointless unless done in quick succession or in a short space of time. Completing the main objective of each level is the driving force for much of the gameplay Once you’ve completed the main objective of each level, a free play option with side quests opens up but at times it almost feels like De Blob 2 should have done away with the time limit altogether and merged the side quests in with the main objective to entice more people to spend longer on the levels rather than backtracking and grinding through fetch quests to unlock everything. The main mechanics of the game make it easy to pick up and play this platformer and you don’t really need to be familiar with the story of the original to enjoy this one. The main gameplay predominantly relies on jumping, bouncing and rolling across various vertical and horizontal platforms to bring colour back into the world whilst avoiding obstacles and enemies. Alternating between the 3D main level space and interior 2D areas gives a good amount of variety too and the levels are very nicely designed, making good use of the differing landscapes and locations in the world. The levels are diverse and really well designed If you didn’t get a chance to check out De Blob 2 the first time around, there’s a fun puzzle-platformer here that’s well worth the time to play. The repetitive mission structure and host of issues carried across from the PS3 version do take the shine off this one somewhat but colouring in the world and navigating the 3D and 2D areas are as fun as they’ve ever been in De Blob. It’s not perfect and there are a few issues here but the lighthearted vibrancy and well designed levels should be enough to see you through to the end of this charming 12 hour adventure.

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