
Episode 6 of Castlevania begins with Lenore clapping as Hector is dressed and her plan slowly comes to fruition. Bit by bit she’s gaining his trust and suggests they go out for a walk together. Only, Striga’s condition is him being leashed to avoid running away. Reluctantly agreeing to her terms, they stand together and look out at the beauty before them. As they talk, high above them Carmilla and Striga listen to their conversation, talking about the beating he endured. As they head back inside, Lenore rewards him with a brand new cell, complete with a study and a bed as she begins to seduce him, appearing to be the next stage of her scheme. Saint Germain has terrible nightmares as he falls through a psychedelic medley of colour and experiences flashes of different scenes while struggling to grasp reality. One of these scenes is of a strange spaceship flying away (one that looks very similar to The Derelict in Alien) while another sees him face to face with a tribal warrior. Eventually he awakens and breathes a sigh of relief. Isaac meanwhile sits with one of his creatures, (Flyseyes according to the subtitles) and asks the creature if it remembers who he used to be. He does, as it turns out, and this creature used to be a scholar in Athens. As they continue to talk, he talks about how he was tortured and betrayed others to keep himself alive. He thanks Isaac for his second life and promises to make wonderful new dreams of it where the episode ends. Although this episode isn’t an outright filler, it doesn’t add an awful lot beyond the scenes involving Lenore. The world-building is good enough to add some humanity to each of the different stories, and Saint Germain’s visions do give a slight tease to what we can expect from this Infinite Mirror, but beyond that there isn’t that much worth getting excited about. Although I’m sure this will change going forward, right now Castlevania looks to be biding its time before unleashing its inevitable climactic fight for survival.