Revenge Tokyo

Episode 13 of Baki part 3 is essentially used as a prologue to the upcoming storyline in part 4 when it drops later this year. The episode itself begins with alarm bells ringing as police rush to the scene of a crime. To their horror, they find a bloodbath inside a glass cage – Ryukoh Yanagi has escaped from prison. As we cut back and see, this dangerous man is not to be underestimated and with him out on the loose, it poses bad news for everyone. A few days pass and Inspector Sonoda hears the news about the escaped inmate. Determined to look into the other inmates that may be connected with this, Sonoda visits Dorian who begins to rehabilitate following his previous defeat. He’s gained 20kg in his lower body and become quite the painter. Doyle meanwhile, ruptured his own eardrums as a clever ploy to strengthen his other senses, including now being able to catch bats in the dark. Spec happens to be held in the medical facility nearby and after his defeat, ending up experiencing extreme aging. As the Inspector soon sees courtesy of the thermography scanners, Spec is practicing the butterfly technique in his sleep. After visiting each of the inmates, the Inspector worries that these dangerous men may be biding their time before striking again. If they do, what does this mean for Baki and the others? I guess we’ll have to wait and see! Interestingly, it looks like part 4 is going to tie back into part 1 of Baki and that will certainly be interesting if each of these inmates have grown their fighting power and become more of a threat to our protagonist. So far though the series has done a good job keeping things exciting and the third part is no exception. While the moments outside the tournament have felt a bit underwhelming, there’s enough here to enjoy and gear up for an explosive fourth part to come. The bone-crunching action and outrageous fighting is ultimately what makes this show so appealing and while we’ll have to wait for the epic showdown between Yujiro and Baki, there’s enough in this third part to make for a decent continuation of the story.