Episode Guide
What Babies Know Movement Senses Relationships Nature and Nurture Toddlers Returning for part 2, Babies crawls its way back onto Netflix for 6 more episodes that explore the mental power of babies and toddlers. If you’ve seen the first part then the formula is largely unchanged; parents take their cute bundles of joy to a different psychological expert who then tests that baby with various cognitive and behavioral tests. Because of this rigid structure, how you felt about part 1 will almost certainly translate across to this one too. The first part followed a number of different babies from birth and documented their ups and downs, including trying first foods, crawling and the importance of sleep. The second part by comparison follows the same sort of criteria but hones in a lot more on the behaviour of each child and with particular emphasis on humour, forming relationships and taking that first steps into becoming a toddler. Unlike the first part however, this one feels very similar between each episode. For example, several of the chapters here look in-depth at humour and although the experts are different and the studies feel unique enough to prevent the series stagnating, there just isn’t quite enough here to pique the interest in quite the same way. It doesn’t help either that a lot of these episodes present material that we’ve already seen before and after the first part, the formula is starting to grow a little stale. Having said that though, Babies is still an interesting documentary and has enough of the elements from the first part that made this so endearing to begin with. The personal stories for the parents help to empathise with their struggles, the experts between episodes ask some really thought provoking questions and the close-up shots of different babies oohing and aahing continues to be a heartwarming inclusion to the series. Whether you loved or loathed the first part of Babies, those feelings will almost certainly translate across to this second part too. The series is interesting enough to keep you watching but doesn’t quite do enough to build on the foundations set last time to really excel.