Episode Guide

Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9   Tottenham Hotspur was formed 100 years ago and since then, the club has struggled to hit the highs felt many years ago. However, under Harry Redknapp and Mauricio Pochettino’s management, the club has been transformed and is now full of global superstars. Between some incredible Champions League comebacks and an exciting attacking play, Tottenham have been a club feared by many teams around the world. However, this high pressure style has also come at a cost. Tiring older players, a lack of fresh blood and a style of play that’s struggled to maintain consistency has seen some serious cracks form in Tottenham’s play. This consequently brought with it a new manager in Jose Mourinho. His appointment sent shock-waves through the footballing world and ushered in a turbulent debut season full of ups and downs. All of this uncertainty has only been exacerbated by the shadow of Tottenham’s crushing defeat in the 2019 Champions League final. On a personal note, I still think this match was the turning point of the club. How on earth Harry Kane started ahead of Lucas Moura is beyond me. After a brief introduction to owner Daniel Levi, this Champions League loss is ironically where the documentary series starts. These thin cracks soon turn to massive chasms as the club freefalls down the table and struggles to maintain the same consistent form felt in seasons past. Much like All Or Nothing: Borussia Dortmund last year, Tottenham Hotspur is a documentary series released with 3 episodes a week. Of course, each episode takes the core essence of the All Or Nothing formula with all the ups and downs that come with that but the show is at its best when binge-watched in one go. The first 3 episodes tackle the early season woes, including Jose Mourinho taking over the club. From here the episodes progress through the early months of the Premier League and Champions League qualification. Of course, all of this builds up to the dramatic and abrupt stop to the season back in March. Around key games in the season are more personal segments involving different players at the club. Seeing some thrive under Mourinho’s new tactical style of play really hammers home how good a manager this guy actually is. Yes he’s controversial and an argument can certainly be made that he doesn’t have the same Midas touch he once did. However, he’s also a highly intelligent guy who really hones in on the tactical side of the game. Between archival shots from big games in the season are the fascinating glimpses behind the scenes. These include crucial half time team talks, training segments and even frustrated players storming back-stage and kicking off after key moments in the game don’t go their way. Even though Tottenham Hotspur didn’t have the best season in 2019-2020, there’s no denying their campaign was full of some serious drama. Thankfully all of this is captured throughout the series. Son’s reaction to his red cards are here along with a pretty disgruntled Eric Dier during episode 2 for being subbed off after the 30th minute. These glimpses are ultimately what make this series so fascinating and keep you coming back for more. Of course, with plenty of episodes to get through and lots of drama surrounding Tottenham’s topsy-turvy season, football fans and fans of the All or Nothing series will be in their element. While it doesn’t reinvent the familiar format this series has been known for, it does do well to capture some of the key moments from Spur’s season. For that alone, this is essential watching for anyone itching for the new season to start in a couple of weeks’ time.

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