My Amanda Plot Synopsis

My Amanda is a tale about two best friends who have a very intimate bond, TJ and Amanda. They’re so close in fact, they don’t bat an eyelid at seeing the other naked. Amanda’s Nana is convinced they should get together while the best friends simply laugh off any of these suggestions. Both have their own romantic endeavours and issues though. Amanda is still hung up over her ex Kelvin while TJ has been unable to settle down with a long-term relationship. Will Amanda and TJ find true love elsewhere? Or are they destined to be together?

What happens between Amanda and Kelvin?

Throughout the movie Amanda and Kelvin have not been on talking terms. Early on, Kelvin messages Amanda with a simple “I miss you” after their break-up. As Amanda herself puts it, there’s no smiley faces or even a period at the end on the message. It seems he’s pretty disingenuous but Amanda remains conflicted over whether to get back with him or not. She wants to find love and is clearly unsure how she really feels about TJ. Eventually TJ helps out and sends a message to Kelvin for her. Well, Amanda’s ex shows up at her place with a bouquet of flowers and the pair wind up getting married. The only trouble is, it’s all fake. We fast forward through time and see TJ picking up Amanda from her place. It turns out Kelvin faked the whole ceremony. The pastor was an actor and the wedding one big front. To make matters worse, Kelvin actually cheated on Amanda during their time together as well. TJ is understandably not happy with Kelvin, and even more so when he finds out the man hit her numerus times. While this reveal does take place prior to the wedding, it’s pretty telling that Amanda instantly says she’d choose her best friend over Kelvin if she was faced with this choice.

What is Amanda’s diagnosis in hospital?

With Amanda feeling under the weather, TJ accompanies her to the hospital. There, they learn that Amanda is both pregnant and diagnosed with cancer. The doctor want to do an X-ray to make sure Amanda is okay but also run a pregnancy test prior to that. Amanda is asked about her period too, which she believes was about a month ago. However, she’s not 100% certain. When the doctor returns, Amanda jokes and asks if she has cancer. The blank stare and silence she receives is deafening. That’s a resounding yes to both of those questions.

Are TJ and Amanda in love?

After Joana and TJ break up, Amanda continues to cycle through the months of her pregnancy. She cradles her baby bump and begins setting up the room ready for little Amanda. TJ is there for his best friend, accompanying Amanda to the hospital where she eventually gives birth to her child. It’s also clear by this point that Amanda is on borrowed time with her cancer getting worse. She, TJ and little Amanda all enjoy their limited time together but the screen soon starts to change, dissolving Amanda away from these happy memories. It turns out these are actually projected memories and not a true reflection of events. All the narration we’ve been hearing across the film is actually TJ reading out excerpts from his book – 1001 letters to Amanda. This confirms his true feelings, where TJ remarks on more than one occasion that Amanda is his true love and he adores everything about her. It turns out Amanda died in childbirth – or at least quite quickly after given the silent diagnosis given by a nurse in hospital. This turn of events though explains why TJ and Amanda have never been able to settle into a relationship. His heart clearly belongs to Amanda but he was never able to express his true feelings. Likewise, Amanda’s “jokes” about having a baby together and romancing were clearly a little more than light-hearted quips. The pair remain best friends ’til the end though, unable to commit to anyone else but also unable to pull the trigger and break the bond they currently have.

How does My Amanda end?

When Amanda passes away, Little Amanda stays with TJ for the foreseeable future. There are some question marks about parental rights here, especially given the baby seems to be Kelvin’s. His absence from large swathes of the story though seems to hint that he’s not too bothered by this. With that in mind, it falls to TJ to raise this child himself. It’s not so much a happily-ever-after though, as the movie instead focuses on the trials and tribulations of friends and how that can affect the dynamic of your life. But still, it is a little disappointing that the pair never romanced, right?  

Read More: My Amanda Movie Review Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! What did you think of the ending? Do you wish the film showed Amanda and TJ kissing and admitting their love at the end? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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 My Amanda  Ending Explained   Dissecting that shocking twist - 51 My Amanda  Ending Explained   Dissecting that shocking twist - 9 My Amanda  Ending Explained   Dissecting that shocking twist - 73 My Amanda  Ending Explained   Dissecting that shocking twist - 61